D&D 5e and Table Rules in Merafil | World Anvil

D&D 5e and Table Rules

* Multiclassing is available if desired * Feats are available if desired, on the normal ASI schedule * Encumbrance is not used * When falling (e.g. pushed off a cliff), you have a reaction before you actually fall so you can do something to help * Initiative ties between party and mobs are broken by a d20 roll * Normal monster death happens at 0 hp, except in special DM circumstances * Mobile devices on silent and not on the table * Electrum Pieces are not used as they are stoopid * Calendar of Harptos is in use for months and seasons and festivals * Crits are your max damage + modifiers + 1 additional dice roll * Counterspelling a counterspell makes both parties roll on the wild magic table * Cinematic Advantage: in combat, if you do something cinematic with an appropriate ability check, gain advantage on your next attack * Remember that players are all equals at the table regardless of other relationships in RL * Hirelings may be available in major cities, or wherever an adventurers guild location can be found * Sessions will be audio-recorded and made available * Regular ammunition is unlimited as long as you remember to state you restock it when available. Magical ammunition has limited uses e.g. 10 +2 arrows run out after 10 shots * Cocked or floor die are rerolled * Movement speed is "general" and not hard and fast * Players, NPCs and Monsters get max hit dice each level * No monster reference guides at the table, whether physical or electronic. You can make notes on anything you encounter, of course! * Guidance is assumed to be cast, when possible, on any ability check unless stated by the party * Bonus actions can be used to drink potions * Everyone can try to roll a character with 4d6 method, and if they don't like the result they can use point spread or point buy instead * I'd prefer not to have PvP, but will defer to the group * Identify is required to work out magical properties of an item except for potions and scrolls. This does not necessarily need to be done by a party member! * If you want to try your hand at crafting then lets discuss how we can make it happen. Downtime should be useful. * Players can level up HP and other non-skill-based items when in the field, but can only level up skills when taking downtime e.g. learning new spells * Extended melee cleave rules apply i.e. if your attack kills an enemy then any remaining damage flows over to another enemy in range * DM rolls death saves to keep the intensity real


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