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“Can’t believe we’re in this dung hole. What’d we do to get kicked out?”   “You better watch your tongue, Dmirnir. Not even going to answer that”   Two dwarves shuffle awkwardly through a series of crates, carrying with them sacks that seem much bigger than the two respectively. Sounds of seagulls drown out the two’s hush noise, though it did little to diminish the heavy footsteps upon the wooden platform.   “Can’t have the Turtles see us, though I’m not surprised if word of us have already come.”   “I miss my mountain home, Borin. Take me home already, I can’t stand the heat!”   “Hush you dimwit, not now! You can complain to Hervig later all you want!”   “Ah Hervig’s a bloody coward anyway, why’d he care?”   The pair of dwarves stopped in their tracks. The sounds of the waves crashing upon the shore dominate the air, along with the still droning sound of the seagulls. Borin turned towards his companion, whose eyes narrowed onto his. Sighing, the elder dwarf spoke.   “You. What did you do to Dmirnir?”   “Huh, discovered already? Guess he really was fond of Hervig then.”   Dmirnir’s form began to shimmer, elongating before revealing a more lean figure with pointed ears. He smirked at the dwarf, unsheathing his dagger.   “Care to see what’s in this bag then? I salvaged as much as I could, but the dogs didn’t really like him.”   Borin grimaced, before taking a defensive stance. He spat on the ground, to the elf’s displeasure.   “Why, I can’t have you dirtying the docks now. That’s a criminal offense after all. I’ll make sure Hervig gets your toe, at least.”   “When I’m done with ya, there ain’t gonna be nothing left for your damn Boss to find.”   Later, behind a pile of crates, two human workers weren’t surprised to see bloodstains on the wooden floors of the pier.


20% Half-Elves, 15% Halflings, 11% Human, 8% Dwarves, 3% Nagaji, 43% others


Despite having a governor and council in place, power in Alfrons really lies in the shadows. The various gangs that make themselves home in Alfrons hold particular sway over politics. By and large, the largest group - the Turtle’s Maw - controls a majority of the officials, even the governor.


Some outposts are built along the coast, many of which contain towers to spot threats coming from the sea. Inland, the city is walled off, but patrolling in this area is not as guarded as on the coast.

Industry & Trade

Alfrons is the center of trade between the Kairos mainland and the Monus Archipelago. It also has a very profitable maritime industry, being connected with the dangerous but rewarding ocean - the Deep Blue.


Built on the coast, many buildings are largely stone. Directly off the coast, however, structures are wooden, and many even are over water, held by platforms that support the weight of the buildings.


Bounties from the sea, stores, the base for the Ysvarian navy.

Guilds and Factions

The Turtle’s Maw, led by a gnome who goes by “Big Boss”. They are based in Central, a large building functioning as a bar often visited by the rich from different reaches for their delicious food, drinks, concerts, gambling and other lavish services.   The 31st Blacksmiths, led by a tenacious dwarf named Dorgon. They only recently moved in Alfrons following their banishment from the First Peak. They make the industrial district as their base.   The Ysvarian government, whose grasp on Alfrons is actually fairly limited. Despite that, they are still in some control of Alfrons.   The La Feya ambassador, Rufus Astor. A young man, he represents the tributary state of La Fey.   The Thieves Guild, whose connections reach the nefarious gangs that are present in Alfrons. Their interests though simply lie in ensuring their income.


Entirely coastal, with a small forest right outside the city. Small deposits of ores.

Natural Resources

Fish from the ocean, ores, wood from the forest
Alternative Name(s)
Seaside City, Port City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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