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The Way Of The Cards

The Way of the Cards is the major religion of the post-Catastrophe world.  

Major tenets:

  Physical playing Cards are holy, set apart for the sole use of consecrated priestesses known as The Dealers   The meaning of human existence: when you first drew breath, The Dealer gave you your Hand. Go play it.   Each player plays the Cards given to him or her in their own way, some well, some poorly, but each bears the entire responsibility for his or her actions; there is no one to blame but yourself if you play badly.   This is part of several religious sects’ insistence on getting rid of all psychoactive substances; they impair your ability to play your Hand, thus removing personal responsibility for your actions.   The 52 manifestations of human life: each card represents a sort of life, an archetype, if you will. Some argue that there are actually 53.  

Major deities

  The Deck (aka The Grand Deck): an impersonal entity which holds all the cards of all those who have lived and died throughout eternity, to be re-released to the living at birth via the Shuffler.   The Shuffler is an impersonal entity that gives you your hand at birth, which you must play while alive. When you die, your cards go back to the Deck. The Shuffler then deals the cards you held out again to another.   The Dealer is a benevolent female entity, the help-meet of the Shuffler, who hands out the cards as you need them. In official doctrine, the Dealer is not allowed to help you, but most people believe that praying to the Dealer can’t hurt.   The Floorman is a benevolent male entity who actively helps you if you pray to him, granting blessings of wealth, food, and drink. The Floorman is most commonly invoked in situations involving physical need.   Lady Luck is a benevolent female entity who actively helps you if you pray to her, also granting blessings of health, safety, and cheer. Lady Luck is most commonly invoked in situations involving chance, such as praying for a rich harvest or good weather.   The Shredder is an impersonal entity, sometimes combined with The Fire, or Hell. The Shredder is the end for those Hands too warped or corrupted to be dealt back in. To go to the Shredder means a total end, with your Cards (and by association, your life-force) destroyed forever.  

Major text

  The Holy Writ - a compilation of pre-Catastrophe texts on gameplay, required study for anyone seeking to understand the Dealer's instruction.

Components and tools

No tools or devices are required for the common folk to worship the Dealer. The Holy Cards are for the Dealers' touch alone.   The Dealers cast the Holy Cards for divination and foreseeing.


Morning prayers are common, and take place in the home.   The prayers are usually led by the head of the household, but anyone may lead. Private prayer is encouraged, and there are many sets of prayers one might use to revere our Blessed Mother. A common set is known as "Praying the Four Corners."   A candle is lit to signify the Dealer's light. Often, the prayers include the Sign of the Board (crossing the arms to clasp the shoulders), and bowing towards the Cathedral. However, this act is not limited to prayer, and the devout often use this Sign when speaking of the Blessed Dealer, Her deeds, or the Cathedral.


Morning prayers are held daily, with special prayer times on each Solstice and Equinox.   Yuletide Center (December 21) and Midsummers Eve (June 21) are of particular importance, with feasting, prayer, and family celebrations.
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