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Gronk Dimmelsdorf

Gronk Dimmelsdorf (a.k.a. Gronk)

A tall, chiseled, and lustrous elf paladin, loved by the people and revered for his steadfast will to help those in need. Gronk lives a noble life with the resolve necessary to be an incorruptible steward fighting forces of dark, albeit he is a bit dim.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gronk was born to the noble family of Dimmelsdorf in the great city of Neverwinter. Gronk always seemed to be a step behind his peers when it came to tests and knowledge, however he had the upper hand when it came to physical skills and problem solving. Gronk has a scandelous secret that he can not tell anyone, but if they guess it correct he can tell them if it is true or false.

Gender Identity





Gronk attended private schools available to only the wealthiest members of Neverwinter. Although his education was top notch, he consistantly scored the lowest in his class. The traditional education system offered at Neverwinter did not suit him well.


For his first years after school Gronk worked entry level positions in kitchens, construction, and home maintenance. While it was odd for an upper-class noble to do this work, Gronk enjoyed it and it let him learn what it was like to live as a commoner. He used his height and strength to help the smaller humans do physical labor. He always felt out of place among the other upper-class nobles.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While working a job in construction at the Cathedral of Aurelia Gronk met an older retired paladin. This paladin, Shepherd, noticed that Gronk had given up his life of luxury and bliss as a noble and decided to work in a field of tough labor and poor pay. Paladin Shepherd offered to mentor Gronk in the teachings of Aurelia and help shape him to be a warrior of light. Gronk accepted this offer because he saw that he could protect people if he could wield the powers of a paladin. After 6 years of training Gronk ascended status in the Church of Aurelia and was granted the title of apprentice Paladin.

Failures & Embarrassments

Gronk gets horribly flustered and nervous around women.

Mental Trauma

Gronk was bullied when he was younger for not performing well on tests or in school. He tends to keep his accomplishments and decisions to himself because of this. This trauma makes it very difficult for him to express his thoughts and reasonings at times.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gronk is not the most intelligent of elfs. However he learns from his mistakes and can problem solve in uqique ways not neccessarily taught in schools.

Morality & Philosophy

Gronk lives by a set of personal moral rules, a code: He will not swear He will not fight unprovoked unless the enemy is a creature of evil He will not voluntarily use any mind altering substances (other than alcohol) He has a duty to always protect those around him He will always share with friends and strangers as though they were family Everyone is deserving of a second chance


When slaying creatures of evil he will pray for their souls but use their body parts as utility. This is not practiced among other paladins.

Personality Characteristics


Gronk is motivated by acts of charity and altruism. He looks for the humanity and goodness even in creatures who are evil in nature. Although he has a devotion to slay evil, he can't help but be persistent in his search for the good behind the evil mask of those who claim to be his enemies.


Exceptionally clean, almost to the point it can hinder him.

A tall, chiseled, and lustrous elf paladin, loved by the people and revered for his steadfast will to help those in need. Gronk lives a noble life with the resolve necessary to be an incorruptible steward fighting forces of dark, albeit he is a bit dim.

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Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
What's the worst that can happen? Dead body parts are a utility! Sometimes I don't think too good
Known Languages
Common Celestial Elvish

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