BlackAdder Academy

Located in the Kingdom of Thames on the Western shores, BlackAdder Academy trains the next batch of Wolfsbane Order Hunters to fight back against the lycanthropy scourge. Initiates are trained under grueling physical exercises, weapon training, firearm mastery, classroom examinations, alchemy lessons, and equestrian training. The whole process takes around 2 years and most initiates quit within the first six month.


Castle Description

A confusing labyrinth of black obsidian. Hallways and chambers follow an insane layout with many dead ends and branching paths. Busts, portraits, and tapestries cover every wall in the castle. Furniture is placed in a confusing and random order throughout the abundant rooms. The iconic, stained glass windows are used instead of traditional, transparent windows. Seven towers spiral 300ft into the sky and are often used by the weapon masters for their training grounds.



Five rings of man-made marshes surround the Academy (giving an appearance like a target). Outside the marshes, a forebaoding forest surrounds the grounds. The forest belongs to the 'Mt.Pleasant' mountain chain which hides BlackAdder from the rest of Thames. The Jade Sea completes the encirclement with staggering cliffs of white. A nearby lake nicknamed 'Teardrop Lake' resides inside the forest and is a typical relaxation spot for the initiates. BlackAdder is effectively isolated from all other neighboring towns and cities. Only the city of Dawning-Star is within a short train trip away.


Known History

BlackAdder used to be home to a great lycan lord which once went by Lord BlackAdder. An unnamed knight and his personal militia massacred the lord and his family after they reverted back and fell asleep. The knight then took the name BlackAdder for himself and scattered every piece of evidence detailing the old wolf lord. However, this knight kept the beautiful windows which told the tale of Lord BlackAdder's lineage (until his family's end by the knight).

'Mt. Pleasant' & 'Teardrop Lake'

The mountain chain of 'Mt. Pleasant' and nearby 'Teardrop Lake' aren't their true names. Their true names are lost to history. These cutesy nicknames are given by the Master-at-Arms of BlackAdder. 'Mt. Pleasant' is an ironic name due to the Masters-at-Arms often making initiates run up and down the mountains in phsycially demanding exercies (to weed out the initiates). 'Teardrop Lake' is named due to the stream of tears which fall into the lake daily. Tears flowing from stress, exhaustion, panic, and the crushed dreams of ever joining the Order.


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