Bronze Burrow of Caledonia

The northern kingdom of Caledonia in Mercial has many ongoing issues. The Disputed Lands to the north are made up of warring bands of lycans, constantly trying to tear into Caledonia. The Blomst kingdom to the south is in a border dispute with Caledonia over ports and lands. Inside Caledonia, the Witch Queen argues with the Bronze Lord about the ongoing Dispute War to her borders.   The Bronze Burrow is seen as one of the last strongholds of Caledonia. A protective shell of a city which was once a simple stronghold on the western coast. It is also the only industrialized city in Caledonia, possessing the industrial might behind their werewolf war effort. Home to the Hollow Order and their Bronze Lord.  

The Protective Shell

The Bronze Burrow has four distinct layers of protection.
1. The Moat. Built during the second Era, this moat runs around the entire city. The moat has a depth of 30ft, filled with frigid water, and is around 100ft wide as it spans around the city.
2. The Stonewall. Built during the second Era as well. The stonewall is a traditional, castle wall built with turrets, murder holes, and high walls reaching around 60-70ft. In modern times, the drawbridges have been removed to make room for train tracks. The stonewall is primarily used as the eyes and ears of the shell.
3. The Rows. Behind the stonewall, lies rows of mounds and trenchs. Only train tracks and roads zig-zag across each other, a strange and confusing mess of crossings.
4. The Metal. The newest and grandest defense built during the fifth Era. A 100ft, metal shell which completely encircles the Bronze Burrow. The metal curves upwards, making this last line of defense look like the remnants of an egg.  


The protective shell of Bronze Burrow has been a huge success. It has deterred enemies for many years. While armies of lycans, witches, grieves, and humans have attempted to swarm the defences for many Eras. They enemies of Caledonia have never penetrated the last line, the Metal.

Mandatory Service:

-It is mandatory that all Bronze Burrow men from ages 18-40 are to enlist and spend 4 years maintaining the defense of the city.
-Men with physical ailments or severe disabilities can negate this mandatory service.
-Joining the Hollow Order will also negate the mandatory service as well.


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Aug 14, 2024 03:13 by Lady Wynter

This appears to be an interesting world.

Bringing the Light
Aug 14, 2024 04:22

Thank you so much Lady Wynter!

Aug 14, 2024 04:22

Thank you so much Lady Wynter!