
An scenic and energetic city which overflows with entertainment and wonder. Located near the Southwest in the kingdom of Astra. Dawning-Star is the largest city on the West coast and continues to attract visitor from not just Astra but from Blomst, Caledonia, Trefoil, and the many countries nearby.  


Dawning-Star was discovered by an early explorer sometime in 550 AE. The city was discovered during a "once-in-a-century" meteor shower. Brilliant streaks of falling stars shot across the Astra coast and many landed in the exact spot where Dawning-Star is today. Dawning began as a fishing village but soon grew in popularity over the next thousand years. The many meteor showers and cosmic wonders sparked visits from all across the kingdoms.  


Unlike most cities in Astra, Dawning Star is actually located within a wide open, jagged canyon which empties out into the Jade sea. The city is torn down the middle of this quarter mile wide canyon opening. Many jetting rock structures and mounds stick out in the roaring waters, allowing for the dozens of bridges and dwellings to be built here. As long as you don't fall in the roaring waters, the weather is ideal!  

City Description

Buildings completely cover both sides of the canyon opening. The buildings of Dawning-Star are built into the walls and over each other to maximize the use of space. Spiraling stairways cross over each other to allow the citizens of Dawning-Star to descend to the sea level. There are over a dozen bridges which attach both sides of Dawning-Star. On these bridges, there are businesses, scenic views, restaurants, and even dwellings!  

Recent History

There has been little lycan activity in Dawning-Star for the last few years. Any incursions are located further North and dealt with swiftly by the Wolfsbane Order. Dawning-Star has also become a popular resting spot for BlackAdder initiates.


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