Lycanthropy Registry Act

Lycanthropy is considered the worst plague that mankind has ever experienced. For centuries, infected citizens were executed immediately to prevent the spread of Lycanthropy. After centuries of merciless executions without hesitation, the Lycanthropy Registry Act was created to prevent unnecessary bloodshed.  

Treaty Details

Signed by the Iron Council of 1565. This document aimed to save the lives of innocent Lycanthropy carriers. Any recent carriers would be captured and brought before the Iron Council. If the carrier is deemed 'recognized' and innocent, then the carrier would be registered and assigned a designated living area. The designated living area would often be a Howling House.  

Registry Requirement

1. Recent Infection
-Carrier must be recently infeceted and make plans to leave for the Council immediately. Delaying the depature will burden the innocence confirmation.
2. Presentation
-Carrier must present themselves in front of the Iron Council for judgment, along with any witnesses, hunters, and evidence.
3. Innocence
-After reviewing evidence and witnesses, the carrier must be deemed innocent. Innocence (in this sense) means the carrier hasn't attacked, consumed, or killed anyone as a lycan. It must also be confirmed the carrier was infected against their will.
4. Recognition
-Once innocence is confirmed, recognition is needed. Recognition is given by assisting the Order through service, testing, or providing intel into additional lycans. Recognition can also be given if carrier is vouched for by a member of the Order. Recognition often takes years to complete and carriers are considered property of the Order until their service is complete.
5. Registration
-After recognition is approved (by the Iron Council), the carrier is registered into the Lycanthropy Registry Treaty. They will be registered and assigned to a place to live.
6. Assignment
-Carriers will be relocated to an assigned Howling House. Howling Houses are dwellings which act as both households and containment areas. When the appropriate moon phase appears (ex: Waning Crescent), carriers will lock themselves within the Howling House to keep themselves and others safe. Howling Houses allow lycanthropy carriers to live somewhat normal lives.
7. Lifelong Updates
-Registered carriers must provide monthly updates. If no updates are provided, hunters will be sent to the Howling House. If the carrier has fled or incorrectly contained themselves, hunters may take the carrier off the list and immediatly search and destroy.  

Recent History

The Lycanthropy Registry Treaty was a mixed success. Most carriers would rather flee/hide than present themselves before the Iron Council. Even fewer would establish innocence and go on to obtain recognition. Less than a hundred carriers managed to get registered, yet most enjoyed secluded, peaceful lives in isolation.
As of 1837, only a few individuals are currently registered. Most Howling Houses have fallen out of disrepair. Any registered carriers live in secluded houses far away from large cities. The Registry has fallen out of favor due to lack of success, and has largely been forgotten by the general public and the Order itself.


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Aug 4, 2024 18:13 by rugrat0ne

Very interesting, especially the part where they become property of the Order for a while. It's similar to my world, where magic users are property of the Crown, and no one objects, because they're so hated. Two small things, I might change the tense of the verb in the second sentence, "is executed", since the next sentence changes all that. Also, I assume (perhaps wrongly) that your werewolves change on the full moon, in which case a waxing gibbous moon would be the time right before that. Good job, though!

I've done Diamond or Die. This year I'm trying Diamond or Nap.
Aug 5, 2024 03:20

Thank you for the corrections! I changed that sentence around to sound a little better. The werewolves in my world turn on whatever night they were bitten! There are full moon, waxing gibbous, waning crescent werewolves, etc! Also, your maps are incredible and so is your idea of magic users being used as property!