Silver Lords of Mercial

Silver Societies are the primarily forces fighting against the lycanthropy threat in all four kingdoms: Astra, Blomst, Caledonia, Trefoil. There is no singular silver lord but rather four lords with differing titles. Silver Lord is just a generic term to denote the highest authority figure in these Silver Societies.  


Three of the four Silver Lords rule adjacent to a Royal family. Silver Lords control their respective Orders and the Royalty control a standard army, provide for citizens, maintain diplomatic relations with other nations, etc. Silver Lords are elected by a council ranging from 3 to 7 members. These council members are normal Lords yet the Silver Lords reign supreme.  

Astra: Iron Lord

The Wolfsbane Order in the Astra Kingdom is led by the Iron Lord. The title, 'Iron Lord' comes from their pledge to wield an "Iron Will" against their foes. Iron was the primary, offensive metal used in the first eras against lycanthropy. The Iron Lord works with both their Order and the Royal family to keep peace in Astra. Traditionally, the Iron Lords have the closest ties to the Royal family and cooperate more than not.  

Blomst: Lord of Light

The Legion of Light in the Blomst Kingdom is led by the Lord of Light (or more commonly, Lord O' Light). The title, 'Lord of Light' comes from the sunny shores of Blomst and the constant sunlight. A single ruling family controls Blomst. Unlike the other kingdoms, the Celestia family rules BOTH the Legion of Light AND are the ruling, Royal family. The Council is made up of Celestia family members as well.  

Caledonia: Bronze Lord

The Hollow Order in the Caledonia Kingdom is led by the Bronze Lord. The title, 'Bronze Lord' comes from the harsh, brutal nature of the land. Caledonians used Bronze for most of their history in warfare. Additionally, Caledonia and Astra are close allies so Caledonia adopted the title of Bronze Lord to follow Astra. The Bronze Lord works closely with the Royal family of Caledonia, often planning dual attacks with suprising efficency.  

Trefoil: Lord of Clover

The Fletcher's Guild in the Trefoil Kingdom is led by the Lord of Clover (commonly called the Lord O' Clover by citizens). The title, 'Lord of Clover' simply stems from the green environment of Trefoil along with their high respect for magic and nature. The Lord of Clover doesn't cooperate with the Trefoil Royal family at all. Often at odds, bickering, and occassionally battling. Trefoil is a mess of squabbling royals, an unstructured Fletcher's Guild, overgrowing magic forests, rampagnt witch and wolf-walker skirmishes.


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Aug 21, 2024 01:42 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3