The Smiting Wars of Trefoil

Across the Jade sea lies the kingdom of Trefoil. This sceneic island is covered in an overgrowing enchanted forest known as the Bodice. 'Dense' Magic has laid dormant in the Bodice for over 7 Eras (around 1500 years). Inside, covens of West Wind Withces and clans of Wolf-Walkers constantly fought each until the arrival of the Fletcher's Guide.  

Burning of the Great Verdant

The Fletcher's Guide was a Silver Society dedicated to eradicating the Dense Magic of the Bodice and subjugating the Wolf-Walker clans and West Wind Witch covens. The Guild began by burning the Great Verdant tree. An ancient tree which reached 400ft into the air and said to have a connection to each tree on the island. Once the Great Verdant was destroyed, it dispelled more magic into the roots of the island, causing the Bodice to rapidly expand and push all human settlements out to the sea.  


The Great Verdant was seen as sacred to both the Wolf-Walkers & Witches. The Great tree's burning not only caused a loss of religious iconography but also a loss in food and shelter. The Walkers & Witches combined forces (first time ever) and launched an all-out war for many decades.  


Witches cast spells which brought plague and pestilence. Walkers ate and slaughtered livestocks and farmers. The Bodice itself swallowed up any unlucky Trefoil citizens who wandered in alone. In response, the Fletcher's Guild retaliated with an extermination fire, setting fire and scorching miles and miles of the Bodice in a desperate attempt to ignite forest fires.   Despite the best efforts of the Walker/Witch/Bodice Magic Alliance, the Trefoil kingdom and it's Fletcher's Guild outnumbered the Magic Alliance. Their fire, silver, and gunpowder brought the war to the human's favor. There was one last choice...  

Big & Little Smites

Extermination fires claimed 38% of the Bodice forest. In a last ditch effort, the Witches summoned a magic far darker than their Dense Magic. An ancient spell named Smite, would send entire pieces of Trefoil back to the sea. The drawback: the bigger the population in the spell radius, the more magic was required.   So, the Witches came to one choice. They would Smite vast, sparsely inhabited coastlines/farmlands/plains of the humans. Deny Trefoil the chance to expand, grow farms, raise livestock, or populate. Trap them in their cities, sandwich them between the coasts and the Bodice itself.   The Witches casted two Smites. First, the Big Smite which cratered 120 miles between the cities of Verdant and Foxglove. Second, the Little Smite which cratered 88 miles between the towns of Toadflax and Bells-O-Trefoil.  


The Smites ended all hostilies between the humans of Trefoil and the Magic Alliance. The Fletcher's Guild signed a treaty to end the Smiting Wars. They agreed to not enter the heart of the Bodice forest. The Magic Alliance agreed to keep inside the enchancted forest. Tensions remain high to this day. Occassional battles between the various sides erupt yearly, yet there have been no further Smites.   Some believe the Magic which fueled the Smites, no longer exists. Some believe the Witches forgot the spell many Eras ago. Some even believe the Witches and their Magic played no part in the Smites, that the Smites were simply a coincidental, natural occurrence.


-The capital of Trefoil is named Verdant after the Great Verdant Tree.
  -Despite the Great Tree inspiring the name of the greatest city in Trefoil, the Guild still proceeded with burning and logging the holy tree.
  -Many Witches thought it was blasphemous for a city to steal the name of their tree before killing it off. This blasphemous burning is a significant reason for the Smites.


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