Wind Witches of Mercial

In the First Era of the world, magic was born. Groups were instantly transfixed and influenced by magic as it was born into the world. These groups became small covens who worshipped and came to understand the properties of magic. These covens birthed the first generations of Witches, women (some men too) who possessed an innate ability to wield magic. Magic came into two forms: Little (simple spells and enchancements) and Dense (devastating spells and destructive enchancments).   The Witch Covens were first born in Blomst. The covens hid away from the Lycanthropy plague as it descended into Mercial. As Silver Societies rose and fought against the Lycans, the Witches reluctantly helped to stem the tide and prevent total annihilation. After the First Dark Era, the Witch covens warred with the Silver Societies. The Silver won and the Witches scattered into the winds and fled.  

North Wind Witches

The most famous and powerful group of Witches in Merciful. They fled to Caledonia and the barren mountains provided Dense magic. The Witches grew in power until they warred again with the Caled (now known as Caledonians). After a pact, the North Wind Witches became partners to the Caledonians and it's Hollow Order. They fought and bled against their common enemy. Eventually a Caledonian King married a Witch woman and the first Witch princess was born. Now, this Witch Queen rules Caledonia and works with the Bronze Lord.  

South Wind Witches

A remote bunch. Prefer to stay in forests and small villages. Over the centuries, they successfully disappeared and intermarried into wealthy families such as the Wisterias. Many wealthy and Blessed families possess some link to the South Wind Witches. The remaining South Winders live in small, but thriving remote covens and even enchanced the Lagashe forest with Dense magic at one point.    

West Wind Witches

Across Merciful, the West Wind Witches are the unfriendliest group. The West Wind lost the most in the Silver-Witch war, so they desperately fled across the Jade sea to the forests of Trefoil. There, they realized the forest grew in Dense magic and they further fueled it’s hunger. The Trefoil forests grew with Dense magic and hungered for the land around it. Eventually the forests overtook most of the land in Trefoil. Ever since then, the Trefoil armies and Fletcher's Guild constantly fight the West Wind Witches and their expanding forests. The West Wind Witches are rude and unpleasant and attack anyone who seeks them out. Even the Wolf-Walkers (some magic in their veins) are seen as competitors and rivals and often enemies.  

East Wind Witches

Not much is known about these covens. Supposedly they met with other covens and spread across the countries over the seas to the east.


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