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Dean Of the Arcanum University


Archibald Stirling



Archibald Stirling was born into a family of wealthy nobles who had long-standing ties to the Arcanum University. His parents both attended the university and were prominent members of the Council of Masters. From an early age, Archibald was groomed for a life of arcane study and power. He was sent to the Arcanum University as soon as he was old enough, and he quickly excelled in his studies, mastering a wide range of spells and becoming known for his exceptional ability to manipulate magical energy. Despite his academic success, Archibald's arrogance and sense of superiority soon became apparent. He would belittle his fellow students and openly criticize his professors. Nevertheless, he was a talented and promising wizard, and the Council of Masters took notice of his potential. After he graduated with top honors, he was appointed to a position on the Council of Masters, a rare honor for someone so young.   Over the years, Archibald became increasingly involved in the politics of the university. He leveraged his family's wealth and connections to gain power and influence, eventually rising to the position of Dean. However, his leadership style was marked by favoritism, nepotism, and a disregard for the needs of his students and faculty. He ruled the university with an iron fist, stifling dissent and discouraging innovation.


Archibald Stirling is a tall, slender human with neatly trimmed white hair and piercing blue eyes. He always dresses impeccably, favoring robes of deep blue or emerald green, with a large silver brooch depicting the symbol of his family, a stylized eagle, on the left breast. He carries a thin, ornate wand, which he uses to cast his spells with precise, controlled gestures. Archibald speaks in a clipped, haughty tone and is quick to dismiss anyone who he deems beneath him.

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