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Ligrup Fienswiggen

Ligrup Fienswiggen

A fairy with a troubled past, regrets, failures, and no place to go. Somewhat loose cannon

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean but not muscular. considering his species hes average height and not too heavy.

Body Features

Firey red hair, large wings ( considering his size). And a scar along his left arm. ( from one of his bullies)

Facial Features

green eyes freckles small pointed nose slight smirk at times

Identifying Characteristics

birthmarks in the center of both palms. spiral in shape. tends to look up or have his wings twitch.

Physical quirks

wing twitch

Apparel & Accessories

His odd looking spell book seems to have this weird aura.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He grew up in a poor neighborhood, the slums of _____ where fairies were rarely seen. And they were seen more as nuisances or tools than people with actual personalities. Until one day a magic spotter noticed him, and he was given permission to become part of a prestigious academy for wizardry farther in the city. Here he was still bullied relentlessly by a bunch of snobs originally from the city because his magic was not as powerful as theirs. Except for another person who grew up in a bad background, leymob smop. A goblin looking to learn the school of illusions.

Gender Identity





getting 3/4 the way through a wizard academy in a prestidgious city before getting literally chased out.


Works as a server/cleaner at various bars in exchange for drinks and food.

Accomplishments & Achievements

going to that magic school even though he grew up in the slums for most his life.

Failures & Embarrassments

Couldn't save his brother during the snowstorm when his brother got lost in it.

Mental Trauma

his brother disapearing, and him accidentally killing his friend.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mentally challenged when it comes to traditional learning. Like studying off paper. More of a doer. But his emotions cloud his judgement sometimes but make him more powerful. can be bad or good tho Clever and street wise from half a decade of roaming the streets of _____.

Morality & Philosophy

Hates hurting those he cares about. Doesnt like it when people belonging to similar groups go against members of their same group. integrity, humility, and not putting others down are quilities he looks for in people. Hurting people should only be for self defense. Or to get stolen property back. However when wronged he will go all out to do waht he feels is right.


Happens to not like most delicasies. Makes alot of people mad at him heh.

Personality Characteristics


The constant harrasement he faced by his peers, the wish to make sure his friends belief in him wasn't for nothing. And also, why not.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

good at reading people. Not good at learning on his own. Good at performing magic when emotionally stabel but it isnt as powerful as when he is. i spelled stable wrong lol

Likes & Dislikes

A homecooked meal the raven that follows him around in his times of greatest need. flying above the clouds

Virtues & Personality perks

Doesnt lie, steal, cheat, or insult others. Finds helping others is good, because you never know when they may be aroudn to help you.

Vices & Personality flaws

Not good at taking insults, and gets emotionally tipped when he messes up. Too honest. Talks to himself about the worst things at the worst moments sometimes. not the best learner when it comes to traditional education. or spells in general.

Personality Quirks

talks to himself, twitchy left wing. Wont talk alot. Doesn't like being stared at too much. Might have a mental disorder. Involving the lack of focus in strict environments but making him good at adaptability in natural dilemmas.


tries to keep himself clean.


Contacts & Relations

the various bartenders and a few other inn goers of the city. Good relations (especially with one.) who he thinks looks familiar but cant remember.

Family Ties

None his family as far as he is concerned is dead.

Religious Views

cant access the links yet so leaving this one like this.

Social Aptitude

Good at reading people. not very social because he no want hurt anyone else.


very informal but careful with words

Hobbies & Pets

once "owned" a moose. he named is corl. And then never saw it again.


Fast talker. not good at explaining though.

Wealth & Financial state

He lives day to day by working random service/cleaning jobs around the city inns for minimal pay and food.

A fairy with a troubled past, regrets, failures, and no place to go. Somewhat loose cannon

View Character Profile
chaotic good-leaning nuetral
28 human years
Current Residence
various inns
hot coal red.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale freckled
2 ft 7 inch
4 oz
Quotes & Catchphrases
" Just because im a fairy doesnt mean i speak tree."
Known Languages
Fae, common.

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