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Assitant Researcher Saenok

Physical Description

Facial Features

Plenty of silver piercings adorn his ears.

Identifying Characteristics

Large Black horns sweeping back over his head. While looking quite magnificent, these ruin any chance of ever using a hood.

Physical quirks

A long thin prehsile tail with spade shaped ending.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears fitted and light-weight well made clothing. Predominantly dark colors such as black, forest green, and maroon. He is always with his spell book and rapier at his sides.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He would seem to not have much of a history. That or you have tired of being answered in shallow, short, or sometimes contradicting stories.


He would tell you he has learned magic at the Awatto Arcanum Univerity.   If you were to follow him casually, or happen to be on the right side of town, you might notice him practice sword play at the Arcanum University.


Known to work at the Arcanum Univerity's library as an assitant researcher under the well known blade singing instructor Dmalza.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He is making himself well known at the Arcanum Univerity as a researcher.   In the past other fellow low level tutors despise him for offering his services at much lower and competitive rates.
If you're appropriately connected you might know he was celebrated as an esteemed donor at a local orphange when he donated a number of, personally transcribed, books that would teach the children their letters. He will deny or avoid the subject if it is brought up.

Failures & Embarrassments

This is OOC knowledge, though enough time spent with him you may suspect the following. He has a number of past mistakes, enemies, and other offended parties that could come back to haunt him... Or his party members.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is an intellectual at heart and if asked a question he will behave as a font of knowledge, without retraint. He will also cease to pay attention to much else while conveying said knowledge.   He is quick witted in most ways, however, socially he could use to think before he speaks. Socially he is mostly clueless. When he is offensive it is often due a lack of effort to prevent it.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes it is important to preserve libraries, universities, scriptoriums, or monasteries. These are places of knowledge and should never be destroyed or undervalued. Saenok regularly donates alms to the temples of Magter on all major holidays for the goddess.   When visiting the temple his demeanor and face seems to soften. He is alson known to donate to orphanages.


Attempt to control, maniuplate, or influence another. Needless violence.

Personality Characteristics


He is very motivated in his education. His motivation seems to be nearly completely self focused.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes cloudless sunny days, the cold, or working. You will know, he sees nothing wrong with openly complaining about these things.   Likes reading, swordplay, and finding ways to circumvent "unnecessary" rules.

Virtues & Personality perks

Singularly focused when researching or practicing swordplay. While he may not give the impression of being honest when answering about himself, he is blunt and honest in answering most any other question.

Vices & Personality flaws

Low charisma could be putting it mildly on an off day.

He may have offended you through not observing cutoms, politeness, being overly frank, or just plain clueless.

What did he say or do?
(Feel free to colab this way. I will never initate rudeness with anyone's char)


Contacts & Relations

Has met Bonbon and Ligrup through a series of bizzare and intriguing events. (Can't say more due to spoilers).   Aveanly knows him as a sell sword from the carvan they both travelled in to arrive at Awatto.

Religious Views

Observer the Pantheon but favors Magter and The Nameless One


Aloof, in his own head and not very courteous. He often takes up more space than he needs.

Saenok (Abyssal for "new chance") arrived in Awatto two years ago. Aside from being considered exceptionally rude, he is acknowledged among fellow scribes and librarians as being a very capable researcher.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Early 30s
Date of Birth
Platinum Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple with red accents toward the extremities
5ft 9 in
180 lb
Known Languages
He would seem to openly know less languages than expected. Only claiming Elven and Common.

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