BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Besies were originally small white beetle with horns. They were not much larger than the size of a small coin and could be found in the Taunmere Woods in the center of Merida. They fed on rotting wood and plants and were harmless. That is until one very strange inventor, Lin Cendan from Meddivale, fell in love with the creature and began breeding them. Like any parent, he loved his children and he wanted them to grow and become more than they were. Unfortunately, he thought that meant he should help them in their evolution.
  He began breeding them to be as large as the size of a babies' fist and he gave them wings to fly. He loved to have his Besie ride on his shoulder and flutter around his head while he walked. This was not thought to be a good thing and people generally kept away from him when he walked through town. Lin's wife was slow to appreciate the Besies, but came around when she realized that they could be sold as pets to people who needed protection when they traveled the roads on their own.
  She began packing the Besie larvae in kits and selling them as pets that could also protect you from bandits and neer do wells. If you raised your own Besie from the kit it was extremely loyal and protective. A hand-raised Besie would sit on your shoulder and attack at your whistle. With its horns and flying speed, it could keep most troublemakers away. With its poisonous bite, the attackers would not live long enough to get away with your goods or do much but grab your arm.
  Unfortunately, the Joint Council of Wizards and Inventors decreed that Besies were too dangerous to breed and they were outlawed. Lin was forced to stop his breeding program and his wife was forced shut down her mail order business.  A few of the mail order kits that were sent out were purchased by a gang member in Meddivale that did not have the same respect for the law.  As a result, Besies have been bred by underground breeders for many years.  They have been seen in cities throughout Merida.


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Aug 6, 2024 06:18 by George Sanders

I enjoyed reading about Besies as it gave me a feel for the world you are building. Great work.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 21, 2024 10:11 by George Sanders

I added your article to the short list for my Summer Camp sponsored prompt "A personal item that keeps you safe." View the short list.   This earns you a prize! An 800x800 hand drawn digital image of your item. To claim your prize join our prize discord server or email me at [email protected] so my artist, Gege, can work with you on the image. We are still deciding on the grand prize winner. They will be announced on 8/31 during the World Anvil Twitch Livestream.   I will be sharing your article on community posts and Lavani's Reading List. When you join the discord server, check out the optional World Deck we are planning for the items. Congrats!

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Sep 1, 2024 01:36 by George Sanders

Wanted to reach out to let you know to claim your prize by Sept 15th and to share an updated discord link. Look forward to hearing from you!

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 10, 2024 17:36 by Gege Escriva

Most of the entries I've read for this prompt are objects, so it is nice to see an animal!

Summer Camp has begun! I'm keeping my eyes on your Personal Item that keeps you Safe| Submit your entry and get the chance of winning a small illustration of your item!     Wanting more props to use in your games? Try with the Wildlands Trinkets!.   "A Demon's howl: Folk Tales from Moskova's Lore" is out now!   Explore the Kingdom of Moskova with me! Wonders and darkness await for you. Are you ready for the adventure?  
Aug 21, 2024 17:21 by Stormbril

Oh this is really fun. I love that it's a small species that keeps people safe -- and the method of kinda "accidentally" arriving at their final purpose is great, too. They sound really cute, though, and so I wonder if sometimes a Besie would draw people in more than keep them away, haha. Though having such horns, speed, and poison, it sounds incredible defensive regardless.   I'm adding this to my reading challenge as well!