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Bishop's Circle

In modern day Merida, there is little use for the old fashioned beliefs of Merida.
  The Order of the Gracious Lady is still in existence, but her wine, once so beloved by the people for its healing effects, is not purchased as often. The Order is primarily still needed because of the Food Depository and the good deeds it does in the cities of Merida. The Order of The Warden not so much. Most Wardens are sent up to The Dales, Patchwork Fields and remote villages around Merida. They continue to support small villages and conduct the same traditional ceremonies that are still needed there. There is a small faction of Wardens that believe that the needs of the people are still as great as they were hundreds of years ago, when the Wardens wandered the roads of Merida.
  Just because the roads are populated by vehicles or distant cities connected by trains, the needs of people who need assistance against the greedy or the violent remain the same. They live in the cities of Merida and support the poorer communities, protecting them and helping where needed. The Abbott of that century does not approve of their actions, but he will not prevent them from going where they will to serve. He only asks that they don’t stir up trouble with the security forces of the cities and give the Order of Wardens a bad reputation in the eyes of the government.
  The Joint Council and the King (now just a King in name only) still supports the order, but they don’t like its interference in the affairs of the cities. The faction is really just a group of disciples that came up in the Order at the same time and don’t have a great love for the cities of Merida. They meet up occasionally in Tylren to drink and commiserate over the state of the cities. I don’t think they have a name for themselves yet, but the head ‘ringleader’ as the Abbott terms her is named Saya Bishop.


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