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Mauna's Stewards

The vineyards of the Order of the Gracious Lady are behind the monastery. The vines grow without any fences to block travelers or animals. If you walked alongside the vineyards, you might wonder why no one was guarding them. After all, the Aval Blanc wine that is sold throughout Merida and especially during the Binding Festival is light, delicious and easy to drink during the hot summers in Merida.
  A large extension at the back of the monastery houses the barrels and barrels of wine that are made every year. Aimless teenagers or drunks that wander by might be tempted to cross from the road and steal from the monastery. Some may actually attempt it, only to find themselves confronted by a demon or the black tiger that is the familiar of Parth Tilak, a disciple of the Gracious Lady who is also a wizard.
  Parth Tilak, a short, dark-skinned older woman from the South of Merida, was originally the only protector of the Vineyards and the Wine production of the Order of the Gracious Lady. Most of the year, she wears a broad brimmed hat that hides most of her face and keeps the sun out of her eyes. She caught someone trying to nab a few grapes off of some vines some 30 years back and she decided that instead of serving in the Food Depository, performing good deeds in Tylren or beyond, or praying the hours, she would devote herself to prayer sitting next to the winery on a chair, her eyes half-closed.
    She spends the day, surveilling the vineyards through her birds and her demons and familiar monitor the site at night. The Wardens of Ataos guard the Monastery, she tends to the Vineyards and Winery.    
"Why steal from us? We sell it cheaply and we give the wine away during the Binding Festival. Fools!"
  • Parth Tilak, Captain of Mauna's Stewards
    Parth is getting older and she saw the need to establish a team of other wizards from the disciples of the Gracious Lady to take on her responsibility. Mauna's Stewards, the group of 7 women and men, all disciples who live in the monastery, take turns keeping watch day and night of the Vineyard and Winery's concerns. Parth doesn't spend as much time watching over the vineyards as she does keeping her small group of Stewards focused on the protection of the Lady's financial interests.


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    Aug 17, 2024 17:02 by Marjorie Ariel

    Interesting take on the prompt. That last paragraph implies maybe it's more than just vineyards they're protecting?