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Meigu: A defense for the weak

Onfa Bremin's curiosity was legendary. He seemed to have a question for everything he saw.  
When he was little, his father once told him to stop pestering him with questions and try writing them down. Once he had them written down, he could think about the questions and try to come up with his own answers. And Onfa did just that. He followed a question about wild magic and where it appeared to discover a way to view the passing of wild magic. He created glasses with blue lenses to be able to see the places that were dangerous to walk.
  Later, when his father left The Ledges and moved to a nearby town to establish his trading business, Onfa came to live with him. He brought his small circular glasses with blue lenses and several notebooks full of questions. When he was grown, he began to spend time tinkering and investigating the answers to his own questions. His glasses helped him see how magic flowed like a current from wizards.
  When one of his apprentices came back from the market bloodied from abuse by one of the arrogant wizards who lived in Tylren, Onfa asked himself how he could protect himself and those he loved from wizards who loved to bully those without magic. When his father needed to make deliveries to Tylren College, the wizardry school, he would volunteer to make the delivery. Wearing his blue-lensed glasses, he would deliver the ingredients for their spells and then take his time leaving the campus. He would watch wizards use their magic in front of him as he walked back down the main road leading off campus. Other times he would sit outside a coffeeshop near the college gate and watch them leave to enter the town.
  After several months of this, he began crafting a device he called a Meigu. Initially it was just a piece of stone that he sculpted to fit in his pocket. So named because it was crafted from Meshite, a stone that could be found lining the bottom and the walls of The Ledges. Kissed by wild magic, the stone had a way of reflecting some frequencies away from the bearer. When magic was cast at the bearer of the stone, it had null or a reduced effect and depending on the size of the stone, could reflect some of the magic back on the caster, causing nausea. Onfa crafted jewelry, rings and earrings that protected people from malicious magic. It was this and some of his later inventions that drew the attention of the King. But that is another tale.


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