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Myth: Sestus is Not Dead

There are some tales among the Huthal that live in The Ledges about their fallen god.
To them, Sestus had been a protector and a guide. When he led them through the Dales and down the path from the mountains, he had kept them fed and sheltered. After the Binding, the rest of Merida were told that Sestus was an oathbreaker and a liar. That he deceived Ataos and Mauna and even his own children when he brought them to Merida.
      Even after the devastation of the final battle left the Huthal without a country, some still believed in him. They huddled under the ledges and hid from others who came to help, digging even further into the earth. Those Huthal felt the tremors and saw the wild magic that still spawned in the gorge and comforted themselves with the idea that Sestus was not dead, he was just buried beneath the Rockside river that flows through the bottom of the Ledges. When wild magic sparks over the slow meandering flow of the river, they murmur a prayer to Sestus to keep them safe. When the earth shakes and threatens to bring their caves down on their heads, they pray for Sestus to have mercy on them.
    When disciples of the Gracious Lady made their way into the Ledges to bring food and medicine, the Huthal elders warned against them and refused to take their gifts. Some of the younger Huthal and those whose hunger made them bold, took the Order's help and grew to trust them and the Gracious Lady. The descendents of these Huthal eventually left the Ledges and became traders and craftsmen in the nearby towns.
    The world that the Huthal were left behind in was a world that distrusted them. They looked different from the other children of Merida and they had been brought to this country by the demon Sestus. The first generation of survivors who lived in the Ledges survived only by their skill at finding food and fishing in the Rockside river. Mauna blessed the land and herbs and mushrooms grew near the water's edge and inside the caves, but they gave credit to Sestus. He had not forgotten them. He was continuing to take care of his children. Some of the Huthal who were given the ability to see beyond this world claimed that Sestus would break the surface of the Rockside river and come back to save his children.


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