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Sugared Treyvi Seeds

In the early centuries of Merida, traveling was a dangerous activity. Safety was found in numbers and when you separate from your community to travel from one town to another, you put your safety at risk. While the dangers receded over the years when the Wardens began to regularly traveling the roads to provide protection and threaten bandits, the troubles of traveling did not go away.
  Traveling with children continued to be difficult: keeping them in the wagon and keeping them preoccupied was tiresome. Parents relied on snacks and games that could be given to keep the children from leaving the party. One of the snacks was Treyvi Seeds. Treyvi's are large flowers that when in bloom have a broad face with deep blue flowers. The flowers are used to dye fabric because of their vivid blue color.
When the flowers wither, they leave seeds in their face. Vendors process these flowers to sell the dye and to harvest the seeds. They harvest the seeds and hulled them. The hulled seeds have a nutty flavor. Vendors dip the seeds into a sweet coating and dry them. Then they put 1 lb worth of the seeds in bags that they sell as snacks.
  The snacks are good to travel with because there is no waste left behind. If the seeds are dropped by the careless hands of children or adults, the Treyvis spring up along the side of the road. The next season, Treyvi flowers sprout, shoot up fast and bloom multiple times throughout the year, letting travelers know that they are on the right road. A blue lined path lets them know that they are headed in the right direction.
    Over time, the Wardens began to hand out Treyvi seeds when they encountered families and lone travelers. They noticed that the side-effect of the dropped seeds was the driving out of dangerous plants and grasses that would hide bandits. The large headed flowers do not grow as tall most adults. They grow no higher than waist high on most adults, given you a clear view of everything that is along the road.


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