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Symbol of the Gracious Lady Mauna

A simple piece of wood with a simple shape. Two hands holding a sphere with teardrop in the center. This is the symbol of the Order of the Gracious Lady.
    The simple shape is usually strung on a leather thong that is tied together and worn around the neck. Some disciples who are helping others where the name of the Gracious Lady is not appreciated, but rather scorned, wear the the symbol wrapped around their forearm or upper arm to keep it hidden.
    For the disciples of the Gracious Lady, the two hands are the hands of the Gracious Lady who is holding the world of Merida in her palms. One of the Lady’s tears, a grace has fallen on the sphere. This is the grace that she asks all of her disciples to take into the world to bring healing and aid to all.
    The relic is a reminder of the blessing that the disciples of the Lady give to all who ask them to pray for them. They lift their hands together, as if to cup water. Then they lift up in front of their face and then their hands come apart as they stretch out their hands on either side of them. Then they let their hands float down, then coming to together in front of their of their belly.
    May the grace of the Lady fall upon us and bring her healing and blessing to her children. May every harm that comes your way be turned aside on the right and on the left. May the tears of the Lady add a secondary blessing and bring healing to all who come near. For time after time and until the children of Merida are all united as one family.   
The Order of the Gracious Lady has worn this symbol for hundreds of years.


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