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Wisp Wraith

Where wild magic appears in the Ledges and in the Sagwood Marsh, there are creatures and entities that take advantage of its presence. Some take advantage of the deadly nature of some wild magic whirlwinds and others take advantage of how the magic can befuddle or transform whoever walks through it. Those who survive a wild magic whirlwind may be disoriented for several feet or lose some or all of their senses. It it at that point that these creatures strike.
  One such entity is the Wisp Wraith. A Wisp Wraith is what it sounds like, an energetic being that lives near instances of Wild Magic. They are barely visible in the daylight. They feed off of the energy of wild magic and the life energy of creatures that walk too close to the wild magic whirlwinds. If a creature stumbles into wild magic, they attach themselves where the magic attacks them and cling to that person until they are dislodged by the use of Meshite, a stone that can be mined from the walls or floors of the Ledges. At night time, they can easily be seen and thus easily avoided. While the Wisp Wraiths are not visible in the daylight, their floating, diaphanous tendrils can be seen in darkness, like floating jellyfish in dark water. Their attacks don't sting, but you can't shake the creatures off.
  The Huthal accidentally discovered the use of Meshite in dealing with the Wisp Wraiths. The Meshite stone can be beautiful when carved into jewelry or rings. When people who encountered Wild Magic wore Meshite, the wraiths were repelled and dislodged from the energy of the victim. Wisp Wraiths, once detached from their source of energy, quickly lose their form and dissipate. Some not very good people have harvested the wisp wraiths and used them in assassination and murder plots. Wisp Wraiths are the perfect weapon against those who don't know their abilities.


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