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11. Rising Tensions

Surina catches up with the rest of the adventurers in Junstol. They speak to a Soulguard and then return to Trg. Things outside Bergand's shop nearly turn ugly. Gnillish, the halfling mercenary seeks Brutalithops' help.

Sune 7th, the adventurers woke after a good night’s sleep and intended to take it easy that day, for it had been an ardous week. Yet later would be the final rites of Kovac, Mirabel’s father who had only been put to the torch yesterday on orders from the Witch Huntress.
But first they would approach one of the two Soulguard Knights who had been left behind in Junstol, who could be found at the local Temple of Helm. Perhaps he had some further information regarding the woman.   After a hearty breakfast, the adventures proceeded to the temple, where suprisingly they found their compatriot, Surina, in front of the great building. She had just returned from Trg. Although expecting awkwardness between her and Gilles, the dragonborn did not appear too troubled by the events at The Barren Tree and the adventurers caught up with the recent events.   The group then proceeded inside the temple, where they found the Soulguard Knight, a collossal man with fair skin and blonde hair. He had heard of the adventurers’exploits, and was quite open to speak his mind.
“I am Knight Mikael Vagnerstrauf, of the Soulguard. I have been instructed, along with Knight Ruuza, by my superior to keep safe this village. My superior, Inqusitor Roszud has left with my other compatriots to the east, seeking a woman imporstering as an Inquisitor!”
“As for the Witch Huntress, I only know she has left west. She kept mostly to herself though Inquisitor Roszud may know more. If, as you claim, she is using magic outside of what our Lord provides, then I pray that she is found and tried. However, Witch Huntress work for the State, so the Order can do little to help here… unless she was mad enough to use such forbidden arts in front of the Soulgiard!”
The adventurers thanked the man and left him to his prayers.   Bal’Aur and Eberrond attended Kovac’s funeral which was held at the neaby lake. It was a sombre affair, but both the half-orc and half-elf somehow felt more driven to their quest to bring justice.   Following a discussion on what to do next, the adventurers left for Trg the following day. Gilles returned to Bergand, and Surina left to follow. She intended to find out the location of Gilles’ contact and ultimately expose him to the authorities. There was a tense moment as Bal’Aur and Eberond didn’t want Surina to follow, knowing she could cause trouble for both Gilles and his contact. Bal’Aur tried to physically stop her, but the dtsgon born spoke the words “FLEE”. The half-orc felt a strong compulsion to let go and run out of the Pubb thy were currently at – Surina had evidently cast a divine power.
She then managed followed Gilles to Bergand’s shop, and saw the man walk inside.
Gilles was thanked by the curious old man, now that his store was once more open, and as promised, gifted Gilles a page from a old fairy tale and a box that contained a peculiar, wooden sphere. Bergand claimed that part of the Wizard Hermit’s Fairy Tale pictured this very sphere. The shopkeep also gave a contact of a person in Trg who could copy Gilles’ Spellbook in a discreet manner.
As Gilles left, Surina confronted him in the middle of the street. Things got heated and onlookers started to gather and stare, expecting a fight. Seeing the gathering of people, the two ceased their argument and walked away from each other. Tensions were mounting.   Meanwhile, the goblin Brutalithops took a walk along the main street of Trg. He was nearly pounced upon by a halfling, and he then recognised her as Gnillish.
“Oh Brutalithops, my darling! I have already missed you! Oh Britalithops, I am so sad. My friends left a few days ago to the local Salt Mine. They got a job from Master Novak to take care of some Bat Infestetation. But that should have been easy, and they should have returned that day, Brutalithops! I am so worried! Perhaps a brave goblin like you could help? Maybe you and your friends could go investigate? Oh, please Brutalithops!”
The goblin was interested in the contract value, and agreed he would speak to the others and help on the condition they got most of the reward. Gnillish didn’t seem to mind, as long as her friends were fine.
True to his word Brutalithops, the next morning he met up with the other adventurers and talked about Gnillish’s plea for help. As they wer estill thinking about what to do next, the adventurers agreed to take a stroll to the salt mine.   The Salt Mine was an hours journey north from Trg. Thre was an elevator with a winch, in which all the avdenturers could fit in. The contraption took them down deep into the Salt Mine, and they felt their mouth and lunbgs assailed by the salt dust in the air. The tunnels had stumps of what used to be crustalline salt pillars, and the ground was covered in broken salt. Dark splotches were everywhere, and they presumed this was the bat guano the dwarf miners they met at Tahlies a few days ago had complained about.   As they investigated the tunnels, they found a trail of blood. Following this they came to a strange room of rock, elegantly carved with straight lines and intricate tiles. In the middle was a statue, again carved of salt with exception of a metal anvil. The statue was esquisitely scuplted, and the face was uncanny. The statue resembled a dwarf, or a gnome metal worker, ready with a hammer and anvil to craft. Slumped beside the statue was Pippa Sowgarden, the leader of the Halfling Mercenary group. Her face was ashen, and she was barely breathing. One of her legs was missing, with a belt tied above the gruesome wound to stop the halfling from bleeding out. Gilles used his diovine powers to heal the stump, and arteries closed and a patch of fresh skin miracolously stretched over the wound.
Pippa was still not lucid, but mentioned something about a momnster that had killed all her friends. The adventuers took her back up the lift and exited the mine. Gnillish was there, evidently she had secreetly followed them to here. ‘Pippa! Oh Pippa! What has happened?!’
Trg and Junstol, Eastern shores of the Republic of Dezaria   Date
Sune 7th - 9th, 5249 AC

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