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13. From Scales to Fur

The monstrous bat creature was vanquished, and whatever magic had powered it was now locked inside the vial in Gilles’ hands. Surina, believing that Gilles was indeed a heathen and a traitor, hefted her sword to strike the man down.
However Gilles was just quick enough to dispel the light magic on his mace and the cavern immediately disappeared in the pitch black.

As he dispelled the magic, he dove aside.
In the absolute darkness, Surina’s sword missed it target, and she tried to search for the wily man by sound. She called out to the others, trying to make them understand that their friend was corrupt. The others, Bal’Aur, Brutalithops and Eberond, had the advantage of eyes that could penetrate some of the darkness.

  Across the cavern, the half-orc, perhaps thinking the situation would blow over quickly, started to remove the rubble around the entrance, so that they could exit through the salt mine.
  Brutalithops stayed beside the large half-orc, watching the scene between Surina and Gilles unfold. He found seeing Gilles and Surina wander in the muck, playing a game of blind cat and mouse, was somewhat amusing.
  Meanwhile Eberond snuck through the sludge and tried to hit the dragon-born with the blunt pommel of his sword, but the dragon-born was too thick, swinging wildly in the dark try to strike back.

As Bal’Aur called back to the dragon-born, trying to get her to see their side of perspective, Surina gave up searching for the Giles in the dark and fumbled around in her back pack. Eberond, seeing that Surina had ceased her attempts to kill Gilles for now, stood at the ready to see what would happen.
  Just as the last of the rubble was cleared away by Bal’Aur, Surina managed to set alight her candle, providing a small sphere of light in the cavern. Gilles snuck back further, hiding, but the dragonborn proceed through the cleared entrance without further word and as she trekked further up the salt mine, the cavern once again went into the dark and quiet beheld them.
The mace glowed once again with divine energy, and the rest of the adventurers searched the cavern. Eberond returned to where he had seen the glimmer of steel before the monster had appeared, and pulled out of the sludge a steel box of good craftsmanship. It was scratched and grimy, but it appeared that the lock had held whatever its contents were safe.
  Satisfied, the adventures returned through the salt mine - the swarm of bats were nowhere in sight, although the mess they had made through the last few weeks was still evident.


They reached the first part of the mine and used the winched lift to return to the surface. The fresh air was a relief, but they were surprised to Surina waiting for them, beside Gnillish and the unconscious Pippa.
Surina once more tried to explain that she believed that Gilles was violating the law and divine commandments against using magic outside of what Helm provided. She claimed that proof of his attack against Bal’Aur and the control over the magic remains left behind the vanquished bat monster accumulated further proof.
The others promptly defended Gilles, citing the attack against Bal’Aur an honest accident in battle and that his use of magic to help them fight what was evidently evil, proved the man was no evil doer. They said that perhaps the laws against use of unaithorised magic were wrong.
Surina then gave up trying to persuade them, but did not raise her sword. Instead, stood from her kneeling position and left towards Trg.
  The rest of the adventurers cleaned up their wounds and then helped carry the wounded Pippa also back to Trg, where they would ultimately leave her in the care of the temple’s hospice.



As the adventurers travelled back to Trg, Eberond recalled his recent visit to the Firbolg woman living on the outskirts of Junstol.
She had been outside her cottage and as she noticed him she stood up. Eberond hid his surprise, for she was quite taller and larger than he recalled. Primrose greeted him and invited him inside. he was there to collect the poison made from the Bloodflowers he had picked the other day.
Primrose now seemed smaller once she entered the cottage, but the half-elf said nothing. The plucky woman handed over some vials to Eberond, and said he should use them carefully.

Eberond thanked her and was about to leave when she stopped him. She recalled his question regarding the changeling curse and said she did some reading.
  If he were indeed afflicted by such a curse, a competent cleric or a powerful paladin of the faith could dissolve such a curse. She hinted that perhaps certain other persons with unique talents could potentially helped, and Eberond realised she was talking about a wizard or the like.


Payment for Services Rendered

The adventurers returned Trg and first left Pippa at the temple's hospice. The Sea Lord was close by, so along with Gnillish went to visit Master Novak. He was the one that had offered the mercenary band the contract to clear the Salt Mine.
  The mercenary guards by the Sea Lord's entrance allowed them in once Gnillish explained the situation, and they were led through the finely furnished establishment. Other patrons were present as they passed through, eying the adventurers with piqued interest.
  They were led into an office, which was also relatively well furnished and Master Novak awaited them. he was a rotund man, past his prime. A large birthmark marred the side of his face, rising up from from his jowls and up to his bald head.
  Gnillish explained the situation, though did not go into too much detail about the monster. Master Novak was mainly interested that the infestation was sorted, and that he could order the dwarves to resume their job.
From a safe by his desk, he collected a large pouch that clinked with the sound of a considerable amount of gold pieces, handing it to Gnillish.
He commented that the adventurers were capable, and offered them another job - his son Gherro had gone missing a week ago. The man was severely disappointed with the Town Watch who had failed to find the boy, for they were too busy keeping tabs around Trg thanks to the lack of walls and funding. Master Novak said that the Merchants Guild had offered a considerable money to install new walls and provide additional funding for the Town Watch, on the condition the hospice and the temple was moved elsewhere, for it was too close to the new quarter.
  The fat man apologised for digressing, and continued to explain the situation regarding his missing son. The mother said that the child had usually hung around the docks for whatever reason so they could find some clues there. if they could find his son, Master Novak would pay the adventurers handsomely.
  After leaving the Sea Lord, Gnillish presented the contract reward to Brutalithops, and left to be by Pippa's side during her recovery.


The Song of a Prologue

After their business with Master Novak, the adventurers retired to their guestrooms to rest. Bal'Aur especially felt as he had a close brush with death, having been swallowed inside the monster's foul orifice and nearly crushed and suffocated. It had taken his last ounce of strength to survive.
  Regardless, they managed to meet up at the Siren's Call later in the evening for a meal. They were mostly too tired really talk and found it strange when a well dressed Tabaxi drew up a seat and sat beside them. The tabaxi was well groomed and unlike the other Tabaxi they had encountered last week, which claimed to be from the Dark East. His fur was full and white, contrasted by the fine jade tunic with velvet acents.
The tabaxi spoke, and his fine voice and carefully pronounced words betrayed him from the upper classes, perhaps even hailing from the Dezarian capital. The tabaxi introduced himself Sir Great Catsby, and he had heard of the adventurers' stories, barevly fighting and vanquuishing monsters that had returned to the land after a thousand years.
The adventurers listed, somewhat half heartedly whilst Catsby spoke, munching of the admittedly good food the chief had prepared. the tabaxi continued to speak, and asked if he could perhaps join them, for he was quite adept with his swords and crossbow, brave and could write a ballad of their exploits. He then pulled a flute from somewhere, and put his lips to a song.
The melody was catching and carried throughout the Siren's Call, and even the other guests stopped and listened as the tabaxi weaved a story but from a simple flute. As he finished to applause, even the adventurers admitted to being impressed.
  They replied to Catsby that they were happy for him to join for now, and see what fate brings.


Salt Mine, north of Trg
Sune 9th - 10th, 5249AC  
13. From Scales To Fur

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