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21. Rezmouth: The Chosen

As Bal'Aur, Catsby, Eberond and Gilles stepped outside of the Big House, their goblin compatriot awaited them outside.   Waling down the village road, Brutalithops quickly went through his own experience in Rezmouth so far, though it was nothing too wild considering the goblin's usual escapades. During the prior day, he had his own shoes repaired by the town cobbler, which in return he needed to deliver some shoes to Father Raab at the Big House and interrupted the Tiefling's discussions with the town apothecary. He then followed the apothecary and sought some healing potions but had little interest as to the apothecary's visit to Father Raab.   Other than that, he had found a field with various equipment for training and weapon fighting, and during his own exercises there met a local girl, with the all too familiar bulging eyes and pursed lips so common in the village. She seemed to take a keen interest in him, especially as to what the goblin sought in life.
She later told him that she did so as Father Raab sought to understand everyone's wants and desires, so that he could pray that the protector bestowed such rewards upon them.
The rest of the night involved enjoying himself at the small village festival, without much incident. The adventurers then caught the goblin up on their recent events.   After some discussion, they decided to accept the lake creature's offer, that one of them would accept the mantle of Chosen in turn for Gilles' friend, Florence, to be released from whatever fate held over her.
Believing that the Chosen person would fall under some kind of influence, Catsby would cast the magic power of Suggestion, instructing the Chosen to snap out of it when told.
Gilles agreed to take on the task of being Chosen, and after mental and physical preparation, took their decision to Father Raab.
The tiefling led them to the Church of Perpetuity. Florence awaited them inside, and said she would wait here and await the mantle of being Chosen to be removed from her. The rest then proceeded down the strange stair well.
In the grotto deep under the Church, the fish people were arranged facing the wall of water, and hummed a particular and discordant tune. Father Raab led the adventurers to the front of the strange congregation.
Not a moment later, a large shape could be seen behind the wall of water, as it was day above and some of the sun filtered down this deep into the lake. Not much of the swirling silhouette of the creature could be seen, though the three red eyes cut through the water clearly. It seemed to communicate with Father Raab in some manner, who beckoned the Chosen.   Gilles stepped forward and upon instructions of the tiefling, let his mental defences down.
  Father Raab placed medallion around the man's neck, and Eberond remembered that he had seen similar tokens in the Big House earlier that morning, and that even Florence wore such a thing around her neck too.
A brief moment later and Gilles spoke, proclaiming that he was ready to ascend to the temple, and that the band of adventurers would come along. It was at this point that Catsby cast his power of Suggestion on Gilles.   Returning up to the church, Gilles took no notice of his friend Florence, who lay in a sobbing heap in front of the church altar, the peculiar pendant around her neck cast off.
Catsby took interest and tried to find out what had happened to her, and the woman begged to be taken back to her happiness, and that she needed them back, whoever that was. Catsby tried to convince the distraught woman to follow them along to the temple in the mountain, but one of the village guard's didn't allow this.
As Catsby walked off to catch up to the others, Florence continued to beg to be Chosen again.  

Two Flashes

The group, led by Father Raab and Gilles trekked along the lake and got closer to the fog that seemed to continually enshroud the base of the mountain.
The other adventurers decided to somehow remove the token around Gilles' neck, believing it to be the source of influence.
Trying to divert Father Raab's and Gilles attention, Brutalithops suddenly started to scream and taking off his armour and clothes, raving about his prior war experiences. Meanwhile, Catsby cast his powers to call down a flash of lightning in the shrubs nearby, adding to the confusion.[br As a naked Brutalithops surged forward and grasped Gilles' around the legs, Catsby used his Mage Hand cantrip to pull off the token around the cleric's neck.
Father Raab was much confused by the strangeness, uttering prayers to his god.[br Gilles meanwhile didn't seem to change from his altered behaviour, so Catsby signalled for the power of Suggestion to initiate. His cleric friend then blinked his eyes, and snapped out of whatever influence he had been under.
So as not to alert Father Raab of this and cause a potential issue, Gilles advised that Catsby could hold on to the token for safe keeping, but that they would continue to advance to the temple.   Father Raab, still somewhat shaken, agreed and at the edge of the fog spoke that this was as far as he could go. He blessed the Chosen and the retinue of adventurers, before starting his return to the village.

The Temple

It was nearly evening when the adventurers reached the temple high above in the mountain. The climb included a few precarious obstacles, notably a goat that had nearly caused all of them to fall down to their death's below.
It was at this moment that the band of adventurers came up with a name for their merry group - the Greatest of All Time's, or the G.O.A.T.s.   The face of the massive temple was carved into the cliff of the Nameless Mountain, hundreds of feet high, and a mix of steel and rock. The base appeared to be unclimbable with its smooth surface, whilst a hundred feet up the temple were overhangs, flying buttresses and faux windows to add a semblance of a castle. The architecture looked totally foreign to what the most of the adventurers were familiar with.
The entrance was an enormous steel gate shaped like a 'V' that jutted out from the temple. It was held slightly ajar, allowing entrance inside. Touching the base of the open gate, the adventurers noticed a small and strange rod made of grey steel, with the shape of a bull’s head on each end. Some of the adventurers with arcane knowledge believed that this rod was magically holding the gate open, and they decided to keep it as is, but would return for it later.
Crouching under the gate and entering the temple, they found themselves in a very large foyer, with faint green light emanating from glowing rocks near the ceiling.
Along the stone walls were remnants of ancient faded banners and drapes, so faded their markings were unrecognizable. Lined beside the walls were short, marble plinths, ravaged by time. The floor itself had large ceramic tiles, covered by ash, debris and scattered skeletal remains
There were also smashed pieces of curved glass everywhere, despite there being no windows.   Over looking the foyer was a higher level, with a ledge guarded by a finely carved and barbed balustrade, without any obvious stairs leading to it. using his strength, Bal'Aur threw Brutalithops over, who then tied a rope down so the rest could climb up.
On this level was a throne upon a stone dais, finely wrought of twisting dark steel with indecipherable scripts across the metal. Bal'Aur's attempt to sit on this ended up triggering a series of spikes emerging from it, causing the half-orc considerable harm.   Behind the throne was a trapped portal which they traversed across easily and this led to a shaft with eight faces, rising some sixty feet. A strange contraption of winches, chains, blades and steel spheres set up a challenge for them, and judging by a couple of dead bodies on the floor, would require deft acrobatics skills to reach the top.
Eberond rummaged in his bag and recovered a small vial filled clear liquid that seemed to float at the top of its container. It was a potion he found in the Smoldering Mines. Consuming it, he was soon lifted from the ground and managed to simply fly up the shaft and bring down a secondary elevator for the rest of the group.   Given what they had seen so far, the G.O.A.T.s prepared for traps and more traps.
    Behind the scenes
Without the potion of flying, one of the characters would need to make it up to the top! Here's the excerpt from behind the GM screen.   ...There are two skeletons, one bisected half and the other crushed. The bisected top torso has nothing, whilst the crushed skeleton has 75 silver pieces, seemingly of a old design.
A greased pin is located in the centre, to which a steel platform is attached above, which is currently located at the top. There also another lift platform at the top with its own winch. The ceiling has an arrangement of steel rails and heavy chains.
From the chain mechanisms hang 4 massive blades and 3 steel balls which glow green, connected to heavy pulleys anchored in the walls.
The circling platform is controlled by a winch located at the base floor, which will bring down the circling platform (takes an Athletics DC 14 check), but will also pull aside the swinging weapons. If the floor at the winch is left unattended, after a few seconds it will unwind the mechanism, lifting the platform all the way back up. It takes a Athletics DC20 test to halt this process for a brief moment.
When the circling platform is drawn down, it winds the swinging weapons. , which emerge from the slits, being held aloft the chains. As the platform gets higher, the swinging arsenal gets trickier to evade.
The person on the circling platform will be drawn up but must evade the swinging weapons, which gets more dangerous at the top. Two people could fit on the platform, but makes it more difficult to evade.  
  • 1. Blade - Acrobatics DC13 (or d6+3 slashing damage)
  • 2. Steel Ball – Acrobatics DC 14, or. If fail, take 3 bludgeoning damage a test Athletics / Constitution DC 12 to avoid falling
  • 3. 2 Blades – Acrobatics DC 15 (or d6+3 slashing damage. Roll damage again if failed by 10 or more.
  • 4. Steel Ball – Acrobatics DC 14, or. If fail, take 3 bludgeoning damage, test Athletics / Constitution DC 12 to avoid falling
  • 5. Blade and Ball – Acrobatics DC 17, or take d6+3 damage, and if failed by 5, take 3 bludgeoning damage, test Athletics / Constitution DC 13 to avoid falling

Rez Isle   Date
Sune 15th, 5249AC
"I had everything - power, respect, admiration - I had even attained love and a seed that sprung from that.
Now I have been wretched away, put under a spell to live in a grey and loveless world, bereft of all my might.
Curse you, world! Wake me from this nightmare!"

- overheard by a villager near
the Church of Perpetuity.

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