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This is the holy city and heart of The Holy Order of Helm, located in Northern Dezaria. Here the Patriarch and Synod reside, along with their powerful cohort of The Soulguard knights.   The city, although is within the Republic of Dezaria, has a very high level of automity. Most of the taxes collected here are kept within the city, with only a smaller proportion going to the state's coffers. Depending on the Grand Marshall and Patriacrh at the time, this has caused issues betwen Voystok and the holy city in times past and will no doubt be raised again. The current situation sees a seemingly amicable relationship with Patriarch Vragan Petrovich II and Grand Marshall Otit, however behind these performances, there is political intrigue between the Order and State to increase their influence on one another.   Many pilgrims come to the city at least once in their life, including from Fiumri, Valoris and even Zamay. They wait to be admitted to one of the special masses held at the Cathedral of the Unknown Hero, but this wait can last months, if not years and officials decide on a arbitrary process of who can enter the city. They wait outside the city walls and this has led to the unintended creation of Pilgrim Town.   The city of Ozerksy is said to have been founded nearly one thousand years ago, shortly after the religion was itself founded by the Unknown Hero of Helm. Its population is around 33,ooo, plus a futher estimated avergage of 8,ooo visiting pilgrims   Just outside of the city is the area referred to as the Horns, where some speak in hushed tones of mass graves, where hundreds of tieflings were executed and buried.   The jewel of the city is Faith Keep, being a combination of a monument to Helm as well as the key defence against any siege. The Patriarch resides here and entry is strictly controlled. The regular meetinsg of teh Synod are also held here, as are the most important artifcacts.

The City's Quarters

This is the holy city dedicated to Helm, god of protection.
  1. Faithkeep: The key centre of Ozerksy, and indeed the entire religion of Helm. Home of the patriarch and synod.

  2. South Gate: This is where most of the Ozerksy inhabitants reside, protected by the fortified walls.

  3. North Bank: The administration hub of the religion, and also houses officials and Ozerky's most wealthy.

  4. Lake Port: A crowded mercantile area of the city.

  5. Soul Forge: This is the where Soulguard Knights and their squires reside. Here they are schooled and undertake battle drills. This part of the city also houses forges.

  6. Pilgrim Town: Pilgrims from across Merra have made this shanty town outside the walls of Ozerksy.

  7. Wealthspire: Wealthspire is a failed project started by the Merchant Guild hundreds of years ago to expand the walled city and would have housed their merchants, but it is now the most dangeroys part in all of Ozerksy.

  8. Fairview: Respected inhabitants, mostly farmers who can not afford to the inner city areas live at Fair View, though in times of danger they are allowed inside.

  9. The Horns: Some foolish entrepreneur started to build a settlement across the Tether, but remains empty to this day. It is rumoured that this is the site of mass graves from the Second Solution of Intergration in 4397AC.

Notable People

  • Ihra, The Flame Mistress, Avatar of Helm: In 5249AC, Ihra arrived inthe Holy City. Her arrival brought up tensions in Ozerksy which had been building up for a few years and caused the Order's Schism, splitting the religion of Helm into two.

  • Vragan Petrovich II: the current Patriarch of the Holy Order of Helm.

  • Michard Ranson: an entusiastic entrepreneur who has received the title of many unoccupied homes in the Horns.

  • Robald: An information broker within Wealthspire and leader of the criminal organisation, Umbra.


Visitor Tax

Persons pay 2 gold upon entry and 2 gold each day after. A document is issued to a visitor noting the amount of Visitor Tax paid, time of entrance and where they will be staying. A second part is for hosts to complete confirming guests' accommodation. Wearing of armour, any ranged weapon and any melee weapon longer than a shortsword within the city confines is forbidden, and visitors are given one hour from time of arrival to stow away such equipment with their host. They are also given one hour upon their intention to leave the town.
  Jeweller Piliscott, she gnome


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