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The Book of Helm

The most sacred text of The Holy Order of Helm is the Book of Helm, which is said to have been written by the Saint Suliac, the first Patriarch. He is said to have followed the Unknown Hero of Helm, also referred to as the Avatar of Helm or simply the Hero, during His time on Merra prior and after the event of the Mending in 4250AC.   The first part of the book details Helm and His creation of Merra, followed by the core beliefs. The second part details the Unknown Hero's Quest during The Incursion, and then the third part details His actibities and extended teachings of Helm following the Mending.

Excerpt: Return to Ozerksy

There is a story in the Book of Helm detailing the Unknown Hero of Helm following His return from Hel and Visits to various places across Merra, where He is goes into a rage when he finds magicians loitering.
3. He was weary but His Sacred Quest not yet concluded.2
To Ozerksy He visited and found the indolent scholars of the Weave.3 They cried and wailed, turned useless and proven false,4 Bereft of Magik, but not orphaned from their greed and madness.5
“The hungry farmer to the field he tends,” spoke He, “The cold shepherd to the flock he tends. The thirsty smith to his metals he forges.6 All by their own will and labour."7
"Yet you, the self-indulgent usurpers of the Weave, who only yesterday acted like false Gods, are now lesser than a naked man. A naked man would search for what clothing he could, but you still sit and weep here in my home."8
"Well I say enough, and declare you false men!”9
One of the magicians squealed wicked words at the Hero and his fingers crossed in evil fashion, but the Hero had already banished the Wild Weave during the Mending, and so the false man had but futile gestures.10 However the Watcher demanded that the false men remember evermore, and so with the Sword Of Vengeance, the Hero striked the false man down into ash.11
Without further words, the Hero seized and heaved the rest of them, and out of the academe were thrown out.12 Down the streets they ran until they disappeared out of the city, for they were false gods of yesterday, false men of today and but ash forgotten tomorrow.13
Chapter: Visits, The Book of Helm

Excerpt: Creation

The first part of the book provides insight into Helm creation of Merra.  
5. The god Helm took a rest from the chaos of the Ether and upon his travels through the Planes found a blank canvas.1 Upon it, He painted the heavens and its star.2 His brush strokes however concentrated on the world He would call Merra.3
The broad strokes created the seas, the curved lines the mountains and the finest brush strokes for the flora and fauna. Excitedly, He did not realise the brush would drip, and from these drips the denizens of Merra were created.4
As broad as the pallette of colours were, so too were the denizens, being elf, man, dwarf, gnome, halfling and more.5
Helm deigned to allow these mortals to explore and enjoy the fruits of Merra, and he in turn would protect them, on the simple condition they praise Him and His divine glory.6
Chapter: Magnam Creaturam, The Book of Helm
Text, Religious

Attributed to
Saint Suliac

Period Writing
4245AC to 4253AC

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