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Camel Train

The Camel Train is a set of equipment for Camels crossing the Salt Spires in the Sembar Desert. Invented in an emergency and later adepted into the standard form of travel to the Salian People.   


It adds footwear to protect the weak feet from the sharp crystal growth that would cut them overtime. The metal used generally varies per the quality, requiring it to withstand long trips and easy to customize to the camels foot with pewter typically being the best option for its low melting point and cheaper price.   It also adds a piece of belly armour so when the camel rests its belly isn't pierced. This armour is made with imported rubbers to prevent them from heating up.   Multiple camels are then connected up to one or two sledges, this where the name train comes from, the base of the sledge is made out of maluable metal plates to take the impacts of the jaggered terrain. It is customary to replace these every trip and to carry spares with incase of severe damage.  


These sledges are often filled with light weight sacks and bags holding trade goods. The heavier the load the faster the sledges metal plates are damaged and slower the camels will move. For lighter cargo it is common for 4 to 5 carriages to be dragged behind, and less for heavier loads.   


It offers little defense from predators, luckily enough few reside in these lands. However a few design variants feature crossbow mounted on the sledge.  


It was invented by a merchant from Saline who needed to bring a huge quantity of rations to one of his salt quarries which was was looted by bandits. Without anyone else willing to help him he modified his desert sledge to work on the salt growths and made the trip out himself. This allowed him to safely reach his quarry and save his workers. The idea quickly spread to other merchants merely by conversation with the inventor not getting any money for the creation.



Armor and defense

Armour plates beneath the sledge, under the camel and beneath their feet.
Camel Cruise
Creation Date

Cover image: by Art Breeder temp art


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