Don Organization in Meskou | World Anvil
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The Sun faith has been around for years; its presence in the contemporary era sees its popularity dwindling to the east, but in the west, its prominence is as active as the days of the witch hunts.   Moat faiths within my world don't have the idea of a god, rather they tend to worship spirits with some faiths putting greater importance on certain spirits that we call higher spirits. In this particular faith there is no mention of higher spirits, rather it is entirely based on a collection of tenets and the veneration of loved ones spirits that have passed away.   It also highly despises the use of the magic with it leading the first witch hunts within the country, something which grew both the popularity of the hunt and the faith itself. However it has a few exceptions to this magic ban as they allow communing with the dead through family urns, which they don't consider to be forbidden. This however is not accessible to anyone with only certain priests being allowed to dedicate themself to this role where they are sworn to a vow of silence where they may only speak on behalf of the dead. These priests are known as , translating directly to Soul speaker and are exceptionally rare with there only being one per province. Although since the decrease in the faith's popularity these have been adopted into other faiths causing a greater number to be present than before with them featuring different restrictions on gaining such a role.     The faith itself became widespread rapidly after the year -1245 when magic was declared outlawed and hunted. The faith was used as a way to justify the burning of countless witches, saying it was to protect the souls and spirits of the loved ones. There is also a belief that all that die are to be cremated as it purges all impurities of the soul so the spirit can pass on without burden. This view led to the belief that witches needed the most purification, which they accomplished by exceptionally slow and painful burnings.       Its origins before it rose to popularity from the killing of hundreds, it is said it started out of a cult offshoot of the ancient military as its tenets resemble them rather closely, besides what is likely a drift of speech on account of Translations. Others say the faith has been around longer and was what inspired the ancient military tenets. But this is rather unknown to the public. It first started making its way into provincial importance in the city that later became known as , within one of the eastern provinces. This was brought about by a holy man by the name of Qana Don, it is by him that the name of the faith was derived and what replaced the Donsel word for the sun. He was a charismatic leader with many tales calling him as some great prophet who dedicated his life to aiding those alive and who were suffering by slaying people who used magic for harm, he is what you might call a Paladin or Crusader. Although he was before the time of the witchhunts he was often invoked as a symbol of the hunt itself and likely a huge driving force behind it.   If he used magic himself it is unknown, with many of the tales suggesting he had some but it was never confirmed within texts and the contemporary form of the faith would prefer that it isn't mentioned.


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