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GD-13: Crab Diplomacy

General Summary

While the vessel itself made it through the occult gateway mostly unharmed, albeit for a loss of cannon which fortunately was the faulty one. The land party made their way down the landscape to reach port. Passing a river, captain Hurali in her ignorance was swept down the rushing current, with the quick action of Rook and her own occult magics she was able to take the form of a bird and rescue the helpless captain by faceplanting her body into the earth while the captain held onto a rope Rook tossed.
    The next day they made it to the shoreline instead of going through the dense jungle, however they found a siren upon the rocky shore not to far from them. They attempted to sneak past, with unfortunately Rook tripping on a root and falling off a small ledge into a pit of sand right in front of a fairly large crab which had scavenged a random utensil from the nearby debris.
  The crab went forth to engage in an investigation of the noise, the crab seeing a lump of meat, Rook, attempted to lay claim to it. Both Rook and Hurali climbed a tree to escape it shooting at it every chance they got.
    However the plan not going well enough Rook made an offering to the spirits to invoke her invocation of Tok, the temporary speech magic she has used frequently, she managed to with muster out the simplest of noises that a crab could interpret as food elsewhere. They were safe from the crab, but for how long as the gunfire attracted a siren, which fortunately as they snuck away the siren initiated combat with the crab.
    They soon arrived in port to find their ship being restocked and repaired, and most of the crew drunk in the local pub. After visiting the Dockmen’s Guild, a local dock where they gear up vessels and crews to hunt sea behemoths they found the price for a replacement cannon would be too much so they set off in the morning to Libertalia to get a new cannon for cheap change. However they did get a harpoon attached to the forecastle of the ship.
Report Date
19 Dec 2023


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