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GD-14: Sailors Respite

General Summary

Sailing to the back islands a select few of the crew depart onto the shore, this land party is made up of Rook, Berit, Lyra & captain Hurali. Crossing the land to the ruin they encounter destroyed constructs and some operational ones that they manage to dodge.
    Arriving at the ruin they make their way through various hallways, with a proportion of them navigating within waterflooded tunnels. They eventually found a bunch of Sembar Navy men who left an occult gate and were swarmed with the large constructs, the pirates seizing an opportunity to destroy the constructs helped the navy men. Although they have disagreements, especially the fact Rook is a magician, desperate times demand they ally.
    After arriving within the main hall the two crews found a construct who had bled black blood. This construct instead of fighting made an offering of a fellow construct to use the same spell Rook knew, the ability to temporarily learn a language. This construct believed itself sentient, this feared the navy men, but this intrigued Rook.
  It kept speaking about waking up its siblings, but before it could finish Hurali who was casually sneaking around behind inserted the token like the lady who hired them instructed them to. Quickly the constructs shut off, and the awakened construct screamed as it fell silent.
  However this silence didn’t last long as constructs reawoke, now instead of the awakened construct they heard the voice of the lady magician who hired them. By the luck of the sea they were betrayed, fortunately for the pirate crew they had set up a magic link earlier in the ruin and they rematerialized themselves there. Hurali who had already used it was unable to rematerialize there, so she had to run there, which despite all odds she managed. The Navy men however weren't so lucky as they were crushed by the constructs.
  The group managed to get out and set off to become a well-known crew, Hurali as she grew gained the title of Lady Luck for her inherit luck at life. Rook persuaded the arts of the magician for a while until the effects became too much to bear. Berit returned to the home he grew up in to die in peace. The crew set up a base of operations within the now mostly empty back islands, where they dominated the sea.
Report Date
02 Jan 2024


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