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GD-2: Leep of Fate

General Summary

In the midst of their regular ship duties, the crew was assigned the task of relocating some boxes in the depths of the vessel. During this chore, they encountered an unexpected stowaway named Robert. After a bit of conflict, the crew decided to offer him a place among their ranks, leaving the decision to join up to the captain's twitching finger with his pistol. Robert proved to be an eccentric individual with little experience and some sexist tendencies. However, one peculiar desire set him apart from others—he yearned to engage in passionate relations with a harpy. Upon reaching the designated island where they were to locate an albino harpy, Robert suddenly ran off, driven by his unusual quest. Later, his lifeless body was found face down in the dirt, his pants down. It appeared that he had met a tragic end. Prior to this, he had been a virgin, but one of the femboy crewmates, masquerading as a female, had taken that from him. Despite the unfortunate loss of Robert, the crew continued their mission and eventually came across the elusive albino harpy. As it tried to escape from a battle scene, Pebbles, the giant crew member, picked up the small Lucien and launched him through the air. In a desperate act, Lucien's flintlock fired, downing the harpy and enabling them to secure it for the promised higher pay.
Report Date
04 Jul 2023


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