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GD-5: First Blood

General Summary

As they delved deeper into the ruins, the group encountered two guards embroiled in a heated argument over something seemingly trivial, hindered by the language barrier. Ers and Lucien seized this opportunity to swiftly incapacitate the guards. The first fell to a deadly flintlock blast, while the second met their end through a precisely thrown knife. Fortunately, their actions did not attract the attention of other navy members. They discreetly disposed of the bodies, tossing them down a well with weighted attachments. Their exploration yielded valuable finds, including a scroll, lockpicks, and a unique set of daggers imbued with teleportation abilities.   Their journey led them to what appeared to be the navy's admiral, a man unable to speak. However, he managed to negotiate his way out of immediate death, convincing the group that he would make a valuable hostage. Next to the admiral, they discovered a cage containing a captive native who surprisingly spoke near-fluent Serenity, a puzzle yet to be unraveled.   With the admiral as their leverage, they proceeded to the gateway room. Lucien attempted to subdue a gunman, but their plan backfired, resulting in a sudden barrage of gunfire from the room's occupants. Tragically, the firefight claimed Ers's life. In a final act, Ers filled the room with smoke, granting Lucien and the others a chance to escape.   The freed native informed them that the navy's ship was relatively unguarded, presenting a new objective for the group, ensuring their voyage would not be in vain.
Report Date
29 Aug 2023


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