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GD-8: Gunboat Diplomacy

General Summary

Arriving at Dragons Bay, the crew dispensed to get additional medical assistance and have a drink at the Profane Parrot. While drinking they met their soon to be new crew mate, a rather young individual, by the name of Hurali, who soon would join their crew.   While speaking with her it became clear she has a deep admiration for pirates and their trade. As well as her being from a plantation, which she fled for unexplained reasons. After recruiting her after much deliberation, they sought to test her skills. She was a natural shot with the flintlock, something you wouldn't expect from someone who hasn't fired a firearm before. Her knowledge of it is definitely beyond common knowledge.   They then went to buy some parrots, getting themselves Skipper whose feathers are turquoise, and Silent who is grey feathered without the ability to speak. This whole plan was sentenced around them teaching the parrot to swear like the one from the Profane Parrot.   Then lastly they motivated by Rook started buying the ingredients to make the Iris Rose drug, but thanks to the environmental differences substitutes have been made. But now they need to start mixing it for next week.
Report Date
24 Oct 2023


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