Undead Hobbies Document in Meskou | World Anvil
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Undead Hobbies

The book goes into great depth on the matter of how to prevent the undead from being created. As well as what necromancy involves.   The act of necromancy itself is that of taking a soul from the afterlife or even if present, in reality, to be manipulated. This manipulation might seem as innocent as freeing a friend from death's grip, but more than often enough the individual comes back scarred or insane. This also gives the resurrector a chance to manipulate the soul into following its orders. It provides the following advice:
  • Many of the methods suggested include burying the body extremely deep, limiting the ability of beasts to reach it.
  • Placing it in a calm location in the wilderness not often walked by anyone. This limits the acts of necromancy directly but still leaves it open to beasts.
  • Layering the Graves with stone slabs or many large rocks helps slow the digging and often makes people look elsewhere.
  • A special type of fungus known as Sniffing is found in the lands of Amriga. If placed on the body before burial it will prevent the body from being resurrected. The knowledge of why is surrounded in mystery, with few speculations saying it eats the soul.
  • If all else fails, burning the body should be used as a last resort. It completely disconnects the body from the world, preventing any trace back to it. To many cultures, this is a terrible deed, but in certain regards, it must take place.

Cover image: by Artgalles


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