BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Vision Breaker

Written by Artgalles

This artefact appears like a dream catcher with a web pattern in the centre with 3 gems hanging down from the metal frame. The frame is just under 30 inches, made out of a metallic rock that is not found anywhere in existence.   It is built out of purely abstract but corrupted with abyss allowing its shape to be malleable. Taking on the form of many artefacts, but these artefacts are no longer considered a part of the Vision Breaker as they have gained their own bones in the world. A great many people have held the Dreams Fragment and through it have reshaped the world and gods with it, but all recounts of it display it differently a great example is the World Smiths hammer which formed the world was birthed from the shadow of Vision Breaker.   Its primary ability being the artefact of a dreaming god is to temporarily create gateways to other worlds, this is how the Boundless Bastards of Meskou let free the world from its shattering. This allows entrance through the minds of people and weak points in reality, which eventually created the bases for teleportation.   The abyss touched element to it allows total control of reality but only to a certain extent, if too much is asked for it will consume the user only letting out a fraction of their request. If a request is successful the catcher burns down into shadows and starts to regenerate somewhere else preventing any single one from holding the powers of the universe.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It was built from a metal frame and gifted power by a divine by Meskou. Eventually it was filled with the sacrifices of the Nightmares making the premade metallic body disintegrate and reform into a mass of pure abstract.

Manufacturing process

The gift of the dream god Meskou and the sacrifice of the Nightmares.


It holds reality together.
Only one is in existence across the entire cosmos.
Raw materials & Components
Was originally a type of tin metal, but now is pure abstract allowing the metal to shift tones. The webbing is impossible to cut open and the gems match the three moons of Hollow.


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Dec 11, 2021 20:11 by Chi

Very interesting artefact! I did notice a small formatting error in the second paragraph " [Hanma's hammer", maybe it's supposed to link somewhere?

Dec 12, 2021 09:31 by Clementine Dehning

Thanks! Yes, I was tweaking the name to make it possessive must of deleted something by mistake. Fixing it right away!

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