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One of the oldest species inhabiting Methera. Humanoid in stature, but largely draconic in anatomy, these large individuals are said to have descended from the long-extinct hexadrakes. They possess two pairs of limbs and a tail, but typically lack functional wings. Many communes reside in the Karrak desert, a biome with extreme and changing temperatures which few but Draconians can withstand. From their desert settlements, they established a great trade empire making use of their nomadic tendencies, distributing goods, exotic animals, magical artefacts and obscure knowledge to those who can pay up.

Basic Information


Draconians resemble in many ways what their name suggests: humanoid dragons. Standing on average (1.90 to 2.20  meters), draconians are impressively tall with a heavy weight to match, commonly possessing a weight of 100 to 150 kilograms. Draconian feet end with three strong talon-like claws with a fourth claw in the back, while their hands are similar with three claws with a thumb replacing the rear claw. A draconian's head features a blunt snout, a strong brow, and reptilian frills on the cheeks and ears. On the back, a crest of frills form what resembled a crown. Draconian eyes are usually red, black, silver or gold in hue. Draconians exhibit many draconic features, including a scaly hide, a large muscular body, the capacity to use a breath weapon, and resistance to the same elemental energy they can breathe, thanks to their draconic heritage. Because of thousands of years of interbreeding, the scales of a dragonborn's hide are scarlet, gold, rust, ochre, bronze, or brown in hue, though a few dragonborn with an stronger draconic heritage have scales resembling those of true dragons. The scales are typically in their greatest concentration around forearms, lower legs, feet, shoulders, and thighs, with a very fine leathery covering over the rest of the body. There are even few recorded instances of draconians sprouting functional wings, or developing mandibles, which could trace back to their claims of hexadraconic ancestry.   Like dragons, draconians are often mistaken for reptiles, but are in fact warm-blooded draconic creatures. In fact, the internal body temperature of the draconian is warmer than that of most similar races, being so hot as to seem feverish to the human touch. While this might seem disadvantageous, the lack of hair and large mouth allows the draconian to displace body heat at an effective rate, meaning draconians are comfortable in cold climates while remaining no more vulnerable to heat than humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

Draconians engage in coital reproduction and lay eggs after a gestation period of around six months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Draconian eggs hatch around 2.5-8 months after laying. Upon hatching, draconian hatchlings grow at rapid pace, reaching the maturity of a ten year old human child within three years. Draconians are considered physically mature by age 10-12, and legally mature by age 15 in dragonborn society. Once adult, draconians are expected to live for well around 150 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The majority of draconians pursues a nomadic lifestyle within the waste of Karrak desert, settling no longer than a couple of weeks in one place to avoid exhausting its resources.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Draconians base their diet largely on meat, setting them apart from other metheran peoples.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Clan and family bloodlines play a major role in draconian culture as a whole. Both were distinct, though no non-draconians, not even dwarves, would fully grasp the difference. With family referring specifically to blood relatives as far as can be traced; draconian clans refer to confederations of families which were once united by mutual principles, often organized along military lines. The importance of clan outweighs the importance of family by default, meaning draconiansowe their loyalty firstly to their clan.   Clans are lead by clan-masters chosen for their abilities and experience, looked to for guidance by their lieges. Draconians do not forget, which other species might call vindictive, and ties to clan or family has bearing on the individual belonging to it. Every clan has certain reputations, for good and ill, that last for generations - as well as the feuds clans might have with another. Thus, a draconians conduct was expected to improve their clan's reputation. For this reason, draconians typically go by clan name instead of family name - hoping to bring honor to it.   In comparison, family is secondary and highly private to draconians. Draconian family names are not seldom kept from public eyess, shared only with closest friends as well as other family members. A draconian could also take great offense in being asked who their parents are by an unsuspecting outsider. Family units usually only consist of mated pairs or rarely groups, or a parent and their child, for draconian marriages are typically not associated with love, but rather reproductive reasons - oft dissolved upon the offspring reaching 3 years of age. For the rest of the hatchlings upbringing, the remaining parent would assume a role which is only partially parental as known by other species and cultures, but more akin to that of a mentor, instilling virtues of society, teaching scholarly, martial and moral lessons. It was common to look toward other adults so as to have multiple examples to learn from.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Draconians have a number of abilities to set them apart from other humanoids. They are both stronger and more charismatic, heritage of their draconic ancestry. At the same time, their scales make them all the more resilient. Most potent of all is a draconian's breath weapon, which, like that of a dragon, varies depending on a draconians heritage, along with their elemental resistance.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonborn have personal names given at birth, but they put their clan names first as a mark of honor. A childhood name or nickname is often used among clutchmates as a descriptive term or a term of endearment. The name might recall an event or center on a habit.   Male Names: Arjhan, Balasar, Bharash, Donaar, Ghesh, Heskan, Kriv, Medrash, Mehen, Nadarr, Pandjed, Patrin, Rhogar, Shamash, Shedinn, Tarhun, Torinn Female Names: Akra, Biri, Daar, Farideh, Harann, Havilar, Jheri, Kava, Korinn, Mishann, Nala, Perra, Raiann, Sora, Surina, Thava, Uadjit   Childhood Names: Climber, Earbender, Leaper, Pious, Shieldbiter, Zealous   Clan Names: Clethtinthiallor, Daardendrian, Delmirev, Drachedandion, Fenkenkabradon, Kepeshkmolik, Kerrhylon, Kimbatuul, Linxakasendalor, Myastan, Nemmonis, Norixius, Ophinshtalajiir, Prexijandilin, Shestendeliath, Turnuroth, Verthisathurgiesh, Yarjerit
Scientific Name
Bipedes draconis
150 years
Average Height
1.90 - 2.20 meters
Average Weight
100 - 150 kg
Geographic Distribution


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