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Eliondran Eyes

Eliondran Eyes is a unique species of purple grapes renowned for its distinctive flavor and the halfling-sized clusters in which it grows. This exceptional fruit plays a vital role in winemaking and has a rich history tied to the province of Eliondra, where it has been cultivated by the orcs who call the region home.
  Description The Eliondran Eyes grapevine produces medium-sized, round grapes with a deep purple hue, resembling large, vibrant eyes. These grapes grow in compact clusters, each cluster about the size of a halfling's hand, creating a visually stunning and easily harvestable display. The skin of the grapes is thin but tough, protecting the succulent and sweet pulp inside.
  Growth Stages Sprouting (Early Spring): The grapevine begins to sprout new shoots during the early spring, unfurling tender leaves and small buds that will develop into grape clusters.
  Blossoming (Late Spring): As the weather warms, the buds transition into delicate flowers, attracting pollinators. These blossoms mark the initial stage of grape development.
  Fruit Setting (Early Summer): After successful pollination, tiny grape clusters emerge, resembling miniature versions of the fully grown fruit. These clusters gradually grow in size and number.
  Maturation (Late Summer to Early Fall): The Eliondran Eyes grapes reach full size and ripeness during late summer. The deep purple color intensifies, and the grapes become plump and juicy, ready for harvest.
  Harvest (Mid to Late Fall): Orcish farmers traditionally harvest the grapes by hand, ensuring the delicate clusters are carefully gathered. This stage is crucial for winemaking.
  Historical Cultivation in Eliondra Eliondra, a province of Krudh inhabited by orcs, boasts a long history of cultivating Eliondran Eyes. The orcs recognized the unique qualities of the grapes and their potential for winemaking, which became a significant part of their cultural practices.
  The orcs developed advanced techniques for vineyard management and winemaking, passing down their expertise through generations. Wine made of Eliondran Eyes, known as Eyedrops, became a symbol of the region, appreciated for its exceptional taste and the craftsmanship of the orcish vintners.
  Despite its association with orcs, Eliondran Eyes wine gained popularity beyond Eliondra, finding its way to distant markets and earning acclaim among various communities. The success of this distinctive grape variety has not only contributed to the economic prosperity of Eliondra but has also fostered cultural exchange and appreciation for orcish winemaking traditions.


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