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Flik Flik

Flik Flik

Free-spirited wanderer from faraway lands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is quite the gangly creature under her baggy clothing and coat of feathers. Her scaly arms and legs are like sticks compared to the false size she likes to display, and as one may guess, her wiry build suggests a talent for agility rather than strength.

Body Features

This avian's shimmery black and white patterning resembles that of a magpie, while her disheveled plumage shows signs of permanent damage in the form of bald spots revealing down feathers or skin. Her tail feathers are tattered and much shorter than they used to be. Her left leg is stiffened at the ankle joint by a thick knot of scarring. More faded burn scars adorn each limb.

Facial Features

How she manages to remain expressive, despite her facial structure lending very little to emotional contortions, is anyone's guess. She likes to make up for it with lots of lively gestures and strange vocals. If not for that, it would likely be difficult to tell what she's truly feeling. ... yes, she'd have a half-decent poker face. Too bad she doesn't know how to play poker (yet).

Identifying Characteristics

Her looks and demeanor are strange enough in their own right to become unique identifiers in these parts.

Physical quirks

She has a slight limp that's only visible when running full tilt, giving the impression that her scarred leg refuses to move as quickly as the other. You may occasionally catch her massaging her ankle after a long, exhausting run - upon which she'll immediately pause, puff up slightly, and pretend it was just itchy.

Special abilities

If you spend any significant amount of time around her, you'll notice that her voice is less of a .. single voice, and more of an eclectic mix of different noises, phrases and words of varying origin, quality and pitch.
It only takes her opening her mouth to speak a single time to get this impression across, since this astounding ability to mimic sounds makes up for the fact she physically can't produce sounds the same way most other sentient species do.

Apparel & Accessories

She currently wears an oversized pine green hunter's coat that's been cut (surprisingly well) to fit her short frame. Her quiver and B'Oub'gl'Oub's longbow are strapped to her back along with a generic dungeoneer's pack with visibly shortened torches.

Mental characteristics




Self employed. Trust her, just do it.

Reckless firestarter one day, fleeing coward the next; you never know what you’re getting. Whichever the case, this highly energetic wanderer always leaves an impact.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
25 years
black and white feathers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
68 lb
Known Languages
Due to anatomical differences the only language she can naturally speak is her avian mother tongue.   Other languages she's sufficiently mastered are Common, Draconian and Bubonian, though her vocabulary and inflection are limited to mimicry of words and phrases she's heard over her travels.

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