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Plane of Earth

The Elemental Plane of Earth is an infinite expanse of solid matter, only interrupted by burrowing creatures or pockets of other entrapped elements. Within those pockets one might find trading outposts or a rare sapient creature from a different plane, making their home there if they are able to. The pockets not only contain air, as some also containpoisonous gases, so an unprepared visitor might think themselves lucky in finding one, only to suffocate shortly after. The solid mass is constantly moving slowly, like the drift of countless tectonic plates, occasionally interrupted by earthquakes of varying intensities. This meant that one also has to take precautions in order to avoid being crushed. Another rather inhospitable trait of this plane would be its absence of light, the only exception being naturally luminous gems hidden within the soil, so while moving through most matter without a tunnel, one is effectively blind - hearing however is better than average.
  One might be tempted to undertake mining expeditions in the Plane of Earth for its abundance of every type of rock, soil, mineral, ore, etc. one could desire, but such operations were usually short-lived, because the ever-moving earth masses make such orderly deconstructions near impossible. In addition, the native species defend their territory and/or food supply quite fiercely.
  Elemental vortices to the Plane of Earth can occur wherever a high concentration or nearly pure form of the element is found, in this case in great depths, for example in the bottom of a cave system at the root of mountains. Traveling through the Deep Ethereum or the Twilight, one could locate portals to the Plane of Air by their emerald green color.


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