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Plane of Fire

The Elemental Plane of Fire is an Inner Elemental Plane of the cosmologial model. It is continuously ignited, smelling of burnt matter and ash. Arriving there is described to feel like stepping into the flaming maw of an ancient red dragon, with high enough temperatures to melt metals and stone in a matter of minutes to seconds. Whoever a living creature plans on going to the Plane of Fire needs to prepare accordingly, otherwise they would get incinerated by elemental fire or choked to death by the toxic smoke and vapors that permeate what little atmosphere is there. Unlike the other three elemental planes, the plane of fire has a landscape and gravity comparable to Methera on the material plane, with most of the "ground" actually made of primarily solid elemental fire that was loosely packed, giving off the sensation of walking through hot coals. Rivers, oceans and lakes were filled with a more liquid, semi viscuous state of the same element, appearing like a more translucent and fluid type of lava. Non-native flying species found the thin atmosphere hard to maneuver, thus having impeded abilities. Visibility was extremelz poor due to vrious kinds of smoke obscuring neary every corner of the plane. The observable bits were usually still distorted by heatwaves, comparable to Metherans phenomena - since the higher tempertures were counteracted by the overall much thinner atmosphere. What little geographic features like hills or mountains can be found usually are not of longetivity, since they tend to spread out and flow apart like magma flows.
  The dangers of this plane are practically unable to be overstated, seeing as one can be confronted with hazards at most any moment: Firefalls, fluid elemental fire, coals and ash coming down upon the plane like heavy rainfalls, firestorms of elemental fire mixed with lava and smoke tsunami are no rare occurrence. Even an experienced guide cannot guarantee wholly avoiding any of these natural disasters in their travels.
  Probably one of the most notable places within the Plane of Fire is the City of Graphite. This settlement is inhabited by many native species. Its structures are protected by enormous walls of Graphite, shielding it from the forces of the plane and thus allowing for a clearer view and still uncomfortable, but tolerable temperatures. The graphite walls extend below the surface, thus also shielding the city off of elemental fire from below.
  Elemental vortices to the Plane of Fire can occur wherever a high concentration or nearly pure form of the element is found, in this case in or close to active volcanoes as well as magma chambers. Traveling through the Deep Ethereum or the Twilight, one could locate portals to the Plane of Fire by their scarlet red color.


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