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Shawyn Aleaneldth

Ætheling Shawyn Aleaneldth (a.k.a. Shawty)

Independence comes at the price of encountering things you weren't exposed to before. Her initial reaction is usually a result of her coddled upbringing, don't take it personally.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Aside from the trusty fiddle she carries everywhere, part of her power resides in her facial expressions. Her emotions are precisely displayed in them and most the time it defaults into a look of wariness. Her skin is sparsely speckled with noticable moles.

Apparel & Accessories

Shawyn's head is framed by a brown, leathery cap that is lined with wool, bristles of hair sticking out on either side. The short, salmon-coloured dress is embroidered with lines of beads at the sleeve, which puff up near the shoulder and narrow for the rest of the arm's length. With it, she wears a little, thin vest, uncompromisingly colourful thighs, and a pair of leather boots. Each of the pieces include fine lace detailing After having to stuff herself into attire considered fit by others, she has been trying to explore more eclectic clothing without entirely neglecting her previously acquired love for the intricate and elegant. A preference for high quality materials and delicate design prevails.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shawyn's identity was shaped by others to be that of a human whose noble parents had died. An unknown, royal godparent was supposedly the one granting her the comfortable way of life that she had lived. At one point, curiosity got the better of her and snooping through some records, she was confronted with something that would cast a shadow on the entirety of her upbringing. In oder to mantain a certain someone's reputation, she has been displaced as ward of Margravine Kasathonia of Thornbout, whose estate she was able to escape during an ambush.

Gender Identity

Shawyn transitioned at a very early age, her transition never posed a particular hurdle. No one cared and she didn't expect them to!


She probably writes about her crushes in a diary.


Her access to higher education has always been something she has taken for granted. Taught by the nation's most prolific arcane scholars and brought up surrounded by literature filled with karayven propaganda, her hunger for more perspectives has only just come to fruition.


She has never worked a day in her life. Her previous duties were made up of studying and entertaining guests with music during courtly events.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Shawyn views her independence as most hard-earned. She was always been renowned in her circles for her musical abilities. While there is also a certain pride in how knowledgable she is, she has slowly come to realize that her knowledge is tainted. Her inquisitiveness is taking over for that reason.

Failures & Embarrassments

She is intelligent but inexperienced, something she is painfully adamant about not displaying in front of others. Undermining her hurts her deeply and she will express that through outward anger and denial.

Mental Trauma

I mean I guess basically the entirety of what she thought she knew about herself turned out to be a lie!

Intellectual Characteristics

High intelligence specimen.   Shawyn relies heavily on her book-smarts, however being isolated from the outside world for such a long time and receiving biased knowledge, hasn't excatly made her the most sensible in regards to different experiences. Her ignorance often makes her sound especially condescending.

Morality & Philosophy

The end justifies the means. She is well-aware she can use her charms to get her way and she doesn't mind her methods being questionable at times. Right now, Shawyn doesn't exactly know what to make of the world and she is eager to find out.


Do NOT call her by her human name.

Personality Characteristics


Shawyn feels an intense need to uncover more of her personal history, as well as confront the people responsible for keeping her origins hidden from her. She is eager to learn more about elven society in particular.

Likes & Dislikes

As much as she tries to despise a lot of the things she was ''made'' to enjoy, she cannot shake a keen interest in them, especially music is something entirely wholesome to her. She was classically trained in the violin, the lyre and the flute. She enjoys all the small, delicate and aesthetically pleasing things. However her taste is quite particular, anything that tries to imitate these things and does so badly, she finds quite offensive.

Vices & Personality flaws

She would risk too much to get her way. Shawyn often finds herself in webs of lies she spun not thinking long-term, when she is confronted she is stunned with how she even got there in the first place. It is hard for her to admit her flaws, even when she is fully cognizant of them, as a result they tend to repeat themselves.


Delicate and sensitive, think princess and the pea. Bodily hygiene is extremely important to her and was something always heavily enforced in her life, carries perfume and soap at all times.

Prima donna bard trying to uncover bits of lost knowledge, and she isn't going to let anyone stand in her way anymore.

View Character Profile
chaotic neutral
Date of Birth
no idea but shes definitely an aquarius
trans woman
platin (dyed gingerbread)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
163 cm
54 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Need to make a doc with a collection of her insults but i built her around the quote “The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.”
Known Languages
Growing up with people who expected her to be able to present herself adequately in front of other nobles, she was taught lanugages deemed as especially important, whether for economic or political reasons. Shawyn speaks Common, Draconic and Gnomish. She has taught herself bits of Elvish.


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