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The Inner Planes

The Inner planes are a subset of planes of existence, being the source of the most basic types of matter and energy for the entire cosmography, and simultaneously containing some of the most hostile environments among it. They are a manifestation of central aspects of physical reality. In consequence of this concentration of reality, everything in the Inner Planes felt more vivid and intense - while at the same time more indifferent. In stark contrast to that, the Outer Planes which are built on belief and thought feel less vivid but full of conviction and intent. The term inner refers to their placement within the cosmography model as well as their central role in providing the raw material to make up the rest of the cosmos. There are a total of 18 Inner Planes subdivided into six major and twelve minor planes. The major inner planes include the elemental planes and the energy planes.
  Elemental planes Elemental Plane of Air; Elemental Plane of Earth; Elemental Plane of Fire; Elemental Plane of Water;
  Energy planes Positive Energy Plane; Negative Energy Plane.
  The twelve minor Inner Planes are located at the intersection between major planes. They can be divided into two main groups: the para-elemental planes, or "paraplanes", which are located at the intersection between elemental planes; and the quasi-elemental planes, or "quasiplanes", which intersect an elemental plane and an energy plane.
  Para-elemental planes Fountains of Creation, or the Plane of Magma, between Fire and Earth; Swamp of Oblivion, or the Plane of Ooze, between Earth and Water; Frostfell, or the Plane of Ice, between Water and Air; Great Conflagration, or the Plane of Smoke, between Air and Fire; Positive quasi-elemental planes Quasi-Elemental Plane of Radiance, between Fire and Positive Energy; Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals, between Earth and Positive Energy; Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning, between Air and Positive Energy; Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam, between Water and Positive Energy; Negative quasi-elemental planes Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt, between Water and Negative Energy; Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust, between Earth and Negative Energy; Quasi-Elemental Plane of Ash, between Fire and Negative Energy; Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum, between Air and Negative Energy.


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