The Words of the Weird-Walkers Language in Metima Maru | World Anvil
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The Words of the Weird-Walkers

The Myth:

Generations ago, when the inhabitants of the Raatvalnyk Mountains were simply factious tribes arguing over grazing lands, they worried little that they shared only fragments of their language. The Vendii and Vodi spoke one dialect, the Elk-Tamers of Shayvyk another. The Stout-hearts, the Garden-singers... all chatted in dialects that while they often understood one another's intent - complicated discourse and written word were just not easy to accomplish.   Normally, this would be mere annoyance, save this. During the celebration of the new year, the priests must sing to the Great Dreamer and summon her from the underworld to dream the world a new year of prosperity. They must gather at the place of the world's making, The Riverbank of Dream. There, the priests sing the song of the Great Dreamer's creations, her sorrows, her loss, her journey to the underworld and return. They must, as a chorus, chant the hymn of her great sacrifice and drowning in the River of Blood and Tears so that the world may be reborn again. They must do this with perfection.   How can they do such if they all sing with different words?   The priests called upon their most talented, the Weird-Walkers. Waking, they enter the dreamworld and walk among the mists to discover the truths of tomorrow. Together twelve Weird-Walkers stepped into a hut, sanctified with the blood of the tribes and consecrated against the tainted breath of the Outcast Gods. There they remained for three days and three nights. When they strode out, they reported their success. The Great Dreamer had given them her words - and they would sing them as they inscribed them for the peoples.   "The Words" were born.

Writing System

The Words use a very specific, and to the people of the Raatvalnyk Mountains, extremely sacred alphabet.  The Weird-Runes are not incorporated into any of their languages and are absolutely not to be used outside of their religious intent.  In fact, the runes are not often taught to outsiders for fear they will abuse the power that is held within them.


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