Oleksandr Karpukhin Character in Metro 2030 | World Anvil
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Oleksandr Karpukhin

Oleksandr Karpukhin

Oleksandr Ilya Karpukhin - Ilya to those who bother to know him - is a sniper and assassin with a vague past, and he likes to keep it that way. Fairly knowledgeable in a range of topics, a highly lethal sniper, and a skilled CQC specialist marks him as incredibly well trained and honed - with experience fighting in the Metro.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A well toned and trained body showing not-insignificant muscle growth across his entire body

Body Features

Severe radiation burns have reduced the lower left half of his face below the corner of his mouth down to his left hand to severely deteriorated flesh - showing bone in some areas. Second degree burns cover a decent portion of the rest of his torso from recent fire damages.

Facial Features

Well defined and somewhat handsome features with a slightly long but sharp face. Moderate facial hair has combined into a short but full beard and mustache. His blonde colored hair is mostly shaven on the left side of his head but runs down to his mouth on the right side of his head.

Identifying Characteristics

His signature radiation burns mark him easily in a crowd if he does not hide them.

Physical quirks

He wields his firearms at a slight canted angle and is very used to wearing full Stalking gear and will unconsciously move like he is fully suited up if under stress.

Special abilities

Under unknown circumstances he is able to heal his own body and output a high amount of radiation capable of rapidly killing others nearby. While in this state he outputs a blue haze of radiation.

Apparel & Accessories

He has a single pair of regular civilian clothing consisting of a worn blue cotton t-shirt and an old patched pear of jeans. He has a military issue protective overcoat and chest rig which he wears as his standard gear. He wears the same pair of well maintained black combat boots every day. He has a GP-5 gas mask and other minor PPE.    He currently owns and wields an Ashot single shot shotgun and a highly modified M39 Mosin Nagant which has been obrez'd and then re-fitted with custom parts to create a ramshackle marksman's rifle. He also has a highly customized combat knife and other personal items including a lighter he is never without.
Date of Birth
5th of January
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs.

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