Rhikya Vesili Character in Metro 2030 | World Anvil
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Rhikya Vesili

Rhikya Vesili

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rhikya has a thin, lanky physique, similar to that of a runner, and he has long, nimble fingers trained from countless medical emergencies.

Body Features

Like most others in the Metro, Rhikya's body is a patchwork of bruises and scars gained over the past 17 years.

Facial Features

Rhikya has a thin face, with plenty of thin scars that he has personally had to patch up. He wears a pair of wire-frame glasses with circular lenses.

Identifying Characteristics

Rhikya's strange, greying hair and relatively unique leather pilot's jacket are among his more identifying features.

Special abilities

Rhikya has concocted several specialized bullets to use against enemies, including stunning and rotting ones.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a stained white Henley shirt that is covered a brown leather pilot's jacket, a memento that he is never seen without. He keeps a bag for personal items and traveling equipment, as well as a separate one filled with various medical equipment.

Specialized Equipment

He carries a small derringer-style pistol that is hidden on his person.

Rhikya is a combat medic who has lived his entire life within the Metro. He's just desperately trying to keep himself and the other Rats alive while dismantling the Reich.

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Chaotic Good
Brown, with streaks of gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
155 lb.

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