
Condition: Vampirism   Note: You are a Mixed-Blooded Vampire [Most Of The Time] {THIS INFO IS FOR Mixed-Blooded Vampires}   Max-Age: Infinity   HP: +100   Magic: Vampiric Magic   Bloodlust: [You need to roll a D20/3-D6 to figure out what this is]   Sireline: [Tells you whos Sireline you are apart of]       Pro:   Supernatural Strength/Speed/Reflexes/Agility/Heightened Senses/Resilience/Stamina/Pain Tolerance/Regeneration   Frost/Shock Resistance   Immunity To Poison, Disease, Possession, Paralysis   Immense Spiritual Power   Vampiric Immortality   Night Powers   Darkvision   Claws [Shifts fingers into sharper fingers]   M.R. 6   Vampiric Walking   Compulsion   Supernatural Durability [You cannot be harmed by most things] [Wood can get around this] [Anything Below 20 Damage cannot get through your skin]   Vampire Blood [Vampire blood can heal most injuries {Will heal almost everything}] [Does not work on Undeads]       Con:   Vampires In Sunlight   You don't have a reflection   Dead Man's Blood [The Blood Of The Undead is Toxic to Vampires] {It's even able to incapacitate vampires briefly]   Vervain is a pain in the butt [Vervain is a plant that burns you]   Garlic Smells Bad [You cannot smell ANYTHING when Garlic is around] {It's smell is so strong you just cant smell anything over it}   Trespassing Curse   You do not receive anything from Food or Healing Potions   Burns REALLY easily [Fire does more damage] [3X]       Note:   Your fangs and red eyes are optional like they are not always there they only show up when your near blood or when you want them to   As They get older some of their powers get stronger [As They Level up/Get Older their Powers get stronger]   You are an Greater Undead   BPM = 40 [100 When Feeding]   Extra Vampiric Powers


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