Copper Stalkers

Protectors of Duaqan

We were lucky that we found the dead the tomb raider's journal, or otherwise I fear we would have suffered worse than we were. It turned out that Copper Stalkers roam the Ruin of Moseus. In hindsight, it is something we all should have expected. But alas, our mistake has cost us three lives as of yet. I hope dearly that number won't increase during the continuation of this expedition.  
1578 PD
— Journal entry made by
Archeological Researcher Dershil Parashar.

Ancient Duaqan Undead

Copper stalkers are considered to be an ancient type of Undead. They are most commonly found in ancient ruins that were built by the Duaqan and which later became abandoned several millennia ago for as of yet unclear reasons. Their name comes from the fact that their leathery dried out skin has the color of copper.  
— Levi Caligue's Beastiary.
Copper Stalkers.

Covered in powerful hieroglyphs

Their bodies are also marked with black, complex hieroglyphs which appear to be the cause of their longevity and abilities, though no Bokor has been able to unlock the secrets they hold, nor been able to fully replicate the work accomplished by ancient Duaqan Mysticals. Though substitute mechanics – albeit not as effective long term, nor unable to fully replicate the abilities of the copper stalkers – have been invented and are improved upon all the time.  
— Levi Caligue's Beastiary.
Copper Stalkers.


Nearly all of the copper stalkers that have been encountered are dressed in nothing but rags and armed with short bronze spears. In some rare occasions, copper stalkers are dressed in bronze armor as well, and some believe that these held a higher rank than the more common, rag-clothed ones.  
— Levi Caligue's Beastiary.
Copper Stalkers.


Copper stalkers move unnaturally silent and are able to partially take on the form of a miniature whirlwind of sand from the torso down, which increases their maneuverability and speed substantially.  
— Levi Caligue's Beastiary.
Copper Stalkers.
Duaqan Ruins
Seemingly immortal until destroyed
Average Height
170 centimeters.
Average Weight
70 kilograms.


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