The Amulet of Adenish

The Amulet of Adenish is a seemingly singular unique protective piece of jewelry that has been in circulation within and outside Varldstan Cericor for two centuries, at the very least.
It is believed to originate from a currently unknown technologically advanced Alternate Reality. Its original owner is unknown, as are how it found itself in Alézun'Teran. A Doors of Somewhere has been pointed out the most likely one.  

Components / Material

The object is crafted from an unidentified yet remarkably resilient metallic alloy with a subtle purple hue. Embedded within it is a network of ultra-fine electrical circuits, paired with a computer, a mysterious rechargeable power source, and other undisclosed components that enable its operation.  

Appearance / Name

The amulet resembles a metal disk about half the size of a palm and as thick as an index finger. On one side, there is an etching of a bald, unadorned human face composed out of tiny dots. The amulet's name is derived from a word inscribed on the opposite side.
It's connected to a thin platinum chain with a reddish hue, which gives off a slight sensation of electrical charge. There is a possibility that it is also incorporated with nanoelectrical circuitry.  

Protective qualities

Hard Light Shield

The Adenish Amulet's protective qualities become evident in scenarios involving fall damage, melee weapons, or projectiles. In such instances, the owner is enveloped by a millimeter-thick, orange-hued hard-light shield. Typically, this shield persists for one minute or ceases once the threat has vanished. It has been noted that the shield can endure for approximately two hours of continuous usage, after which its power source requires recharging.

Guardian Hologram

Another striking feature of the amulet is its ability to project a hard-light hologram. The hologram has a humanoid shape, resembling a male figure with an expressionless, plain face, and appears to be composed of millions of small blue dots. It is capable of defending against adversaries, whether they are armed or not, and can utilize its form as a protective shield. Its manifestation is triggered by certain conditions, most of which remain largely enigmatic.  
Unknown Alternate Reality.


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Jul 7, 2024 21:20 by Mar Qaroll

Interesting. Must thonk over this one...

Jul 8, 2024 23:28 by Mike

How did you make the sidebar static and not scroll with the rest of the text? That's pretty cool.