The Redacted Filter

"... We're (beep) !  
— Random citizen.


As far as anyone can surmise, there appear to be certain words that one cannot utter. This appears to be the cause of something colloquially known as the Redacted Filter. If there is an intention behind this condition, it is unknown but it is logically assumed it is connected to Lingua Miasma and possibly the Intelligible, though the latter is still a highly debated topic.  
"What? I am saying (Redacted)! Not (Redacted)! This is (Redacted)! Seriously!  
— Irritated Random citizen.

Effects of the Redacted Filter

It causes certain words to not be heard when spoken, neither by the one who utters the word or those within hearing distance. How a word is redacted varies from specimen to specimen. To some, it will simply be inaudible, while other times a noticeable beep-ing sound will be faintly noticeable. Either that or the word Redacted.
How long this condition lasts varies greatly, and depends a lot on the individual word involved. Some words are eternally blacklisted and can never be uttered. Other words appear to be completely randomized and can be something as innocent cheese or socks. Even names have been noted to be affected as well.  
"I promise I will (beep) you... Wait. No, I meant (beep)... Why is (beep) a taboo word all of a sudden?!  
— Confused Random Citizen.

Intention matters

One thing that has been noted is that intention behind uttering the word may also play a role, especially in the case of curse words where body parts are involved.  
Alternate Name(s)
The Holy Profanity Filter.
Connected to
Lingua Miasma.
Language Affliction.


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